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Li, Xizhi edited this page Apr 19, 2017 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the ParaCraftSDK wiki

ParaCraftSDK Introduction

ParacraftSDK is the software development environment for Paracraft. Although Paracraft is mainly for education, NPL/ParacraftSDK allows for serious software development (see also feature list). With ParacraftSDK, one can create plugins(mod) for paracraft, or standalone applications that can be published to PC/Web/Android/iOS for free.

Getting Started



Here is a list of user created paracraft plugins. All of them are open source. They are a great way to learn ParacraftSDK.

Deploy your software & Rebranding

We suggest you upload your mod in ParacraftPlugins, so that every paracraft users can see and install them directly from the software. However, if you want to redistribute paracraft as a branded and stand-alone software, please read our Free License File and see the Rebranding Guide. Rebranding allows you to change paracraft's login or setup user interface when distributing your software.

Directories In Installation Folder

  • ./samples: Samples/templates, there may be a separate start.bat under each folder
  • ./redist: redistributable runtime environment of Paracraft.
  • ./src: paracraft/NPL source code reference
  • ./_apps: user created applications and a few app samples.
  • ./_mod: user created plugins and a few plugin samples.

bin files

  • ./bin/Start.bat start paracraft in redist folder
  • ./bin/CreateParacraftApp.bat create a new application project
  • ./bin/CreateParacraftMod.bat create a new paracraft plugin project