Author: Jinyong Huang
The code within the LiangWanglab/cfMBD-seq repository is used for quick quality controls of cfMBD-seq data, including FASTQ to SAM by bowtie2, SAM to BAM by samtools, quality controls using R packages RaMWAS/MEDIPS, and call CpG annotations coverage using bedtools. Bash programming and pre-installation of software are required. Access to a high-performance computing cluster is also recommended.
Computer running a Linux system (≥ 8 GB RAM) Cluster computing is HIGHLY recommended when working with FASTQ/BAM files
Modules: Bowtie2 (Version 2.4.2); reference genome-human/hg19; samtools (Version 1.11); bedtools (Version 2.28.0); Integrative Genomics Viewer.
R (Version 4.0.3 or greater)
R Packages: BSgenome.hsapiens.UCSC.hg19; RaMWAS (Version 1.12.0); MEDIPS (Version 1.40.0).
- Bash to process raw data FASTQ files to BAM files.
- Quality control using RaMWAS, which generates summary QC (including duplicate rate%, non-CpG coverage, CpG coverage, and noise) and coverage by CpG density plot.
Rscript RaMWAS.R
- Quality control using MEDIPS, which generates wiggle files for visualization of rpkm normalized data. MEDIPS can also do saturation analysis and genome-wide correlation between samples.
Rscript MEDIPS.R
- Call CpG annotations coverage using bedtools and normalize the coverage using R.