Keeling Js is a fast and light weight NodeJs server based on ExpressJs. On the contrary to specifically writing router and resolver, Keeling Js provides stable router manipulation based on file structures, so that you don't have to write so many back end control files.
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Its installation is very fast and easy. In any empty directory, simply use
$ npm init
to initiate a new NPM repository (for NPM documentation please go to by following all the prompts in the command line, and then
$ npm install keeling-js
to install keeling-js to your NodeJs application. After the installation, you can see many directories been added inside you directory. Now, except there's "nothing" inside this repository, this NodeJs Application is actually well-functioning! You can now just start this NodeJs server by typing
$ npm start
directly. Now if you see a line like
Successfully started server Keeling Js Default in port 21023
then the installation is successful and you can now access http://localhost:21023/ in your browser! (Though you might see 404 after that since your requested main page does not exist).