A simple static library wrapping SVMLight meant for classification using HOG features.
Project using this static library shall contain the following header:
#ifndef __SVMLIGHTLIB_H__
#define __SVMLIGHTLIB_H__
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
namespace SVMLight
class SVMTrainer
std::fstream featuresFile_;
std::string featuresFileName_;
SVMTrainer(const std::string& featuresFileName);
void writeFeatureVectorToFile(const std::vector<float>& featureVector, bool isPositive);
void trainAndSaveModel(const std::string& modelFileName);
class SVMClassifier
SVMClassifier(const std::string& modelFileName);
std::vector<float> getDescriptorVector();
The training can use the SVMTrainer
wrapper the following way:
// we are going to use HOG to obtain feature vectors:
HOGDescriptor hog;
hog.winSize = Size(32,48);
// and feed SVM with them:
SVMLight::SVMTrainer svm("features.dat");
size_t posCount = 0, negCount = 0;
for (size_t i = 1; i <= 800; ++i)
// in this concrete case I had files 0001.JPG to 0800.JPG in both "positive" and "negative" subfolders:
std::ostringstream os;
os << TRAINING_SET_PATH << "positive\\" << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << i << ".JPG";
Mat img = imread(os.str(),CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
if (!img.data)
// obtain feature vector:
vector<float> featureVector;
hog.compute(img, featureVector, Size(8, 8), Size(0, 0));
// write feature vector to file that will be used for training:
svm.writeFeatureVectorToFile(featureVector, true); // true = positive sample
// clean up:
img.release(); // we don't need the original image anymore
os.clear(); os.seekp(0); // reset string stream
// do the same for negative sample:
os << TRAINING_SET_PATH << "negative\\" << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << i << ".JPG";
img = imread(os.str(),CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
if (!img.data)
hog.compute(img, featureVector, Size(8, 8), Size(0, 0));
svm.writeFeatureVectorToFile(featureVector, false);
std::cout << "finished writing features: "
<< posCount << " positive and "
<< negCount << " negative samples used";
std::string modelName("classifier.dat");
std::cout << "SVM saved to " << modelName;
The classification can be then performed by the instance of HOGDescriptor
, you just need to feed it with your own SVM detector in form of std::vector<float>
HOGDescriptor hog;
hog.winSize = Size(32,48);
SVMLight::SVMClassifier c("classifier.dat");
vector<float> descriptorVector = c.getDescriptorVector();
and later once you retrieve some segment, you can do something like:
Mat segment = img(Rect(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0));
vector<Rect> found;
Size padding(Size(0, 0));
Size winStride(Size(8, 8));
hog.detectMultiScale(segment, found, 0.0, winStride, padding, 1.01, 0.1);
That's all :)