LPhy v1.5.0
New command line for SLPhy to replace values in a lphy script using Macro language:
YOUR_PATH/slphy -D 'n=5;L=50' MacroLanguage.lphy
Significant changes:
- Refactor the core and split function and distribution to base #294
- Improve parser grammar and the implementation of LPhyMetaParser #372
- Untangle cyclic dependencies #384
- Refactoring and merge SPI and Loaders #400
- Introduce macro language to lphy script #420
- new interface for writing values to a file #437
New features and bug fixes:
- Data clamping needs more work #284
- ReadDelim function #409
- removeTaxa function #412
- LPhy doc not show parameters are optional #413
- ElementWise2ArgsTest.test1DPlus2D test should not look for lphy.base.spi.LPhyBaseImpl #414
- Creating taxa and set dates from TableValue returned by readDelim #415
- SpeciesTaxa has wrong view in studio #418
- codeString bug for taxa(names=1:n) #421
- SLPhy script not working #422
- The position of replicates is incorrectly changed after the script is rendered #423
- Register the missing functions in the core #424
- GeneratorInfo annotation is not found #425
- Exception when loading example jcCoal.lphy #427
- The module not loading properly in the Gradle tests after splitting core and base #428
- Improve the simulator code #429
- move CanonicalCodeBuilder to the core #430
- LPhyValueFormatter SPI not working in LPhyBEAST #431
- OutputSystem bug FileNotFoundException #432
- Recover unit test after significant change in SPI #435
- Add SLPhy command argument to specify which random var(s) not logged #438
- IID RuntimeException for Expected VectorizedRandomVariable after data clamping #441
- OutputSystem bug to handle the output dir #442