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Pard: Autoregressive + Diffusion (NeurIPS 2024)

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Pard: Permutation-Invariant Autoregressive Diffusion for Graph Generation
Lingxiao Zhao, Xueying Ding, Leman Akoglu
NeurIPS 2024


Pard combines autoregressive approach and diffusion model together. Instead of working with the full joint distribution of nodes and edges directly (like other Diffusion model, e.g. DiGress ), pard decomposes the joint distribution into product of many conditional distributions (for blocks), where each conditional distribution is modeled by diffusion model. As each conditional distribution's internal dependency is a lot simpler than the full joint distribution, it can be captured easily with significantly fewer diffusion steps and no extra feature is needed for symmetry breaking. What is more, different from autoregressive approach that suffers from arbitary ordering issue without exchangable probability, pard is a permutation-invariant model.


  1. Pard beats both autoregressive approach and diffusion model in both molecular and non-molecular datasets.
  2. Comparing to diffusion model, Pard uses significantly less number of diffusion steps, and does NOT need any extra feature.
  3. Similar to GPT whose all autoregressive steps are trained in parallel, Pard trains all blocks' conditional distribution in parallel with a shared diffusion model.
  4. Pard's framework of AR + Diffusion is general, which can be used for other modality like text and image. Pard is the first AR + Diffusion model.

Ablation study: why combine AR + Diffusion ?

We have the parameter Maxium hops to control the degree of autoregressive in Pard, with Maxium hops=0 representing diffusion ONLY and larger hops indicating more AR. The following ablation study on QM9 shows the benefit of AR + Diffusion.

QM9 Pard (no AR) Pard Pard Pard
Maximum hops 0 1 2 3
Average number of blocks 1 4.3 5.6 7.75
Diffusion steps per block 140 32 25 20
Total diffusion steps 140 140 140 140
Validity 93.8 97.1 96.7 97.0
Uniqueness 96.9 96.5 96.2 96.1
Mol stability 76.4 86.1 85.4 86.3
Atom Stability 97.7 98.3 98.3 98.4


  • Huge performance jump by moving from no AR to AR + Diffusion.
  • More AR does not always better: AR is data hungry.
  • You can easily test diffusion only option ! Just set maxium hops = 0!


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Code structure

Part1 (Peripheral):

  • pard/analysis contains functions for evaluation, with molecular specific evaluations and non-molecular MMD evaluations. This part is modified from DiGress.
  • pard/dataset contains many datasets formatted in torch_geometric.datasets format. Some are adapted from DiGress.
  • pard/configs contains yaml config files for datasets shown in paper. We have not checked exactly, but most numbers in our paper should align with the config file in this folder.

Part2 (Core):

  • pard/parallel contains the main part of codes. The model architecture is inside pard/parallel/, and the pard's training and generation code inside pard/parallel/ Many data transformation needed is inside pard/parallel/ Notice that the code inside pard/parallel/ supports both parallel training and sequential batch based training. We will introduce it inside next section.
  • pard/ contains the entry for training the pard.
  • pard/ contains the entry for generation and evaluation.



A. Train with all conditional blocks in parallel.

Similar to GPT which predicts next token for all tokens in parallel, this mode predict next block for all conditional blocks in parallel. To achieve this, for a graph with $n$ nodes, we augment the graph with empty nodes and edges to the size $2n$, such that the second part with nodes ranging from $n \sim 2n$ contains the predicted blocks. See augment_with_virtual_blocks for padding the input graph fron $n$ nodes to $2n$ nodes. Apart from augmenting the graph, we also need to make sure there is no information leakage when predicting the $i+1$ block from the previous $1\sim i$ blocks. This is achieved with specifically designed causal graph transformer. See section 4.2 in paper.

  • Train local diffusion model

    python device 0 dataset qm9 task local_denoising diffusion.num_steps 20
  • Train predicting next block's size model

    python device 0 dataset qm9 task block_prediction diffusion.num_steps 20
  • (If you want train only a single model) Train local diffusion and predicting next block's size together

    python device 0 dataset qm9 task local_denoising diffusion.num_steps 20 diffusion.combine_training True

B. Train with sequentially batched blocks. See sequential_setting for the code.

While training all blocks in parallel can be more efficient in memory and passing data, thanks to shared representations of nodes and edges for all blocks' diffusion prediction. The parallel training loses certain model expressiveness (PPGN with restricted matrix multiplication for preventing information leakage will be less powerful than 3-WL), and extra features like eigenvectors are not possible to be used without information leakage. Another way to train is to view each block of a graph as a unique graph, and batch all blocks into a gaint graph. We provide the support in sequential_setting. However, this will greatly increase the memory cost such that the batch size need to be reduced, hence training time will be longer when considering training with same number of epochs. The goodness is that certain extra feature like eigenvector can be easily added to further break symmetry in diffusion, which makes predicting next block task a lot easiler for symmetry-rich graphs like grids.

  • Train local diffusion model

    python device 0 dataset qm9 task local_denoising diffusion.num_steps 20 model.batched_sequential True train.batch_size 32 ## remember to tune the batch_size smaller to fit the memory
  • Train predict next block's size model

    python device 0 dataset qm9 task block_prediction diffusion.num_steps 20 model.batched_sequential True train.batch_size 32 ## remember to tune the batch_size smaller to fit the memory
  • (If you want train only a single model) Train local diffusion and predicting next block's size together

    python device 0 dataset qm9 task local_denoising diffusion.num_steps 20 diffusion.combine_training True model.batched_sequential True train.batch_size 32

Generation and Evaluation

from eval import eval_model 

device = 0
dataset = 'qm9' 
batch_size = 1024  # can be larger than training batch_size as inference uses less memory
train_max_hops = 3 # this should align with training config, diffusion.max_hop

# Provide the checkpoint dir, see 'checkpoint_callback' in
blocksize_model_dir = '...' # if you train two tasks together, let it be blocksize_model_dir=None
diffusion_model_dir = '...' 

eval_mode = 'best' # 'all' to evaluate all checkpoints, 'best' to evaluate the one with best validation performance, 'latest' to evaluate the last checkpoint

eval_model(device, dataset, diffusion_model_dir, blocksize_model_dir, eval_mode, batch_size=batch_size, train_max_hops=train_max_hops)


We use the most basic discrete-time diffusion method (pard/ from USD3. The diffusion code (pard/ notation follows the USD3 paper exactly. The USD3 contains more sophisticated discrete diffusion, with improvement in both discrete-time and continuous-time case. We suggest people who want to use discrete diffusion to check out the code and the paper.


If you use this codebase, or otherwise found our work valuable, please cite:

  title={Pard: Permutation-Invariant Autoregressive Diffusion for Graph Generation},
  author={Zhao, Lingxiao and Ding, Xueying and Akoglu, Leman},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.03687},

  title={Improving and Unifying Discrete\&Continuous-time Discrete Denoising Diffusion},
  author={Zhao, Lingxiao and Ding, Xueying and Yu, Lijun and Akoglu, Leman},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.03701},


Permutation-Invariant Autoregressive Diffusion







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