This is a PyTorch implementation of the DCV, and the code includes the following modules:
Datasets (MNIST, HAR, USPS, Pendigits, Reuters-10K, Coil100)
Training for DCV-encoder and DCV-decoder
Evaluation metrics
pytorch == 1.6.0
scipy == 1.3.1
numpy == 1.18.5
scikit-learn == 0.21.3
umap == 1.18.5
networkx == 2.3
- Train() -- Train a new model
- Test() -- Test the learned model for evaluating generalization
- GetData() -- Load data of selected dataset
- LISV2_MLP() -- model and loss
GIFPloter() -- Auxiliary tool for online plot
DataSaver() -- Save intermediate and final results
cluster_acc() -- Calculate clustering accuracy
The datasets and pretrained models used in this paper are available in:
- Install the required dependency packages
- To get the results on a specific dataset, run with proper hyperparameters
python --data_name dataset
- To get the data, metrics, and visualisation, refer to
where the dataset is one of the six datasets (MNIST, HAR, USPS, Pendigits, Reuters-10K, Coil100)
If you find this project useful for your research, please use the following BibTeX entry.
title={Deep Clustering and Visualization for End-to-End High-Dimensional Data Analysis},
author={Wu, Lirong and Yuan, Lifan and Zhao, Guojiang and Lin, Haitao and Li, Stan Z},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems},