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Sprint 113

Closed Dec 4, 2023 100% complete

Sprint goals

  • Prepare Lisk Desktop v3.0.0 for production #4366

    • Implement API loader #5495
    • Remove hover effect from disabled buttons (unlock stakes) for better #5493
    • Incomplete special characters in request token message after using deep link #5489
    • Multisig transaction signature success modal sometimes displays copy button #5488
    • Custom fee edit of more t…

Sprint goals

  • Prepare Lisk Desktop v3.0.0 for production #4366

    • Implement API loader #5495
    • Remove hover effect from disabled buttons (unlock stakes) for better #5493
    • Incomplete special characters in request token message after using deep link #5489
    • Multisig transaction signature success modal sometimes displays copy button #5488
    • Custom fee edit of more than 8 decimals crashes the app #5487
    • Partially signed modal broken UI #5485
    • Hardware wallet notification darkmode #5484
    • Claiming rewards with hardware wallet #5483
    • Change deep linking to use the https protocol #5481
    • Request token link is non-responsive #5472
    • Unable to decrease the number of members of a multisig account #5471
    • Need to Close "Transaction Signature Successful" Modal to Initiate New Transaction from blockchain application #5470
    • Wallet connect DAPP sign transaction is only triggered on “Copy Signature” #5469
    • No of event trigger when rejecting Wallet Connect transaction #5468
    • Deeplink does not validate minimum balance requirements #5467
    • I am able to edit to a zero fee value on edit multisignature #5447
    • Claiming a reward though the notification should update hasReward state #5446
    • Bump Lisk Desktop version #5415
  • Prepare Lisk Desktop v3.0.1 for production #5455

    • Switch application fail to render #5516
    • Report email and reload page is not functioning as expected #5509
    • Open an account profile link is too wide #5507
    • Save account name on enter #5501
    • Wording of hardware wallet connection status #5500
    • Allow multisig account to have one member #5498
    • The status page from the send token flow of a multisig account does not have add to bookmark #5490

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.