ASW-Net: A Deep Learning-based Tool for Cell Nuclei Segmentation of Fluorescence Microscopy
ASW-Net is a deep learning-based tool for cell nucleus segmentation of fluorescence microscopy. As a simplified W-net, ASW-Net has the potential to extract more features from raw images compared with U-net, and it is lighter than W-net at the same time. The attention mechanism also endows the model with better learning ability and interpretability.
The detailed structure of ASW-Net is shown as below:- Python 3.6+
- Keras == 2.2.4, Tensoflow == 1.14.0
git clone
- README for running ASW-Net.
Please cite the following paper for using this code:
Pan, W.; Liu, Z.; Song, W.; Zhen, X.; Yuan, K.; Xu, F.; Lin, G.N. An Integrative Segmentation Framework for Cell Nucleus of Fluorescence Microscopy. Genes 2022, 13, 431.