Sou Lauro Muraro Leme, estou estudando muito e buscando uma oportunidade nesse mundo do Desenvolvimento, comecei minha jornada recentemente na Confitec, almejando crescer tanto intelectualmente como profissionalmente nessa maravilhosa empresa.
Hi I'm Muraro Leme, Lauro studying aaaalot and searching a opportunity in these Developer world, here you can see a little bit of my journey, hope someday a few more interessant repositories and usefull for who's a beginer like a I'm today, so let's go!
🔭 I’m currently working on Confitec**
🌱 I’m currently learning Spring and APIrest
👨💻 All of my projects are available at
💬 Ask me about Java e Spring Boot
📫 How to reach me