This is now archived since dotnet core took over the world and I can't keep up 😄
================================ExitStrategy is a set of tools that will help WebForms and MVC live together in one webapplication. The ultimate goal is to help you migrate away from WebForms into the new and shiny MVC-world. That's why you won't find any tools to integrate WebForms into MVC, just tools to integrate the new MVC things into your legacy WebForms pages.
There is a demo site where you can see it in action.
- A Wiki to help you set up a hybrid project
- A library with WebControls that will allow you to re-use your MVC Views in the WebForms world. For Example:
<mcv:Partial PartialViewName="Header"
runat="server" />
<mvc:Editor SelectMethod="GetModel"
AdditionalViewData='<%$new: {htmlAttributes = new {@class = "form-control"},} %>'
runat="server" />
You can install ExitStrategy from the Nuget Package:
PM> Install-Package ExitStrategy.ForWebforms -Pre