Hi, thanks for checking out my GitHub! I have some projects listed below; for a more comprehensive list please visit my website. Recently, I've been working as a member of the McGill Robotics Drone Software team, training and implementing Computer Vision models with PyTorch and OpenCV.
- RR Social Network: Using Python, specifically NetworkX and PyVis, I constructed a social network for each book in the series Red Rising using only Python and a .txt file of each book, and analyzed the performance of several centrality measures and the Louvain Community Detection algorithm on each network. A demo, analysis, and more detailed description of the process is available here.
- Tabulator: A chrome extension that groups tabs by URL, immediately reducing clutter and improving organization. Currently published on the Chrome Web Store with 7 downloads. Code available here.
- Bro2Bro: A web application based on an app from the TV show Silicon Valley. Created using HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Express.js, Node.js, and Socket.io. Features chat room creation and sending variations of the word "Bro." Code available here.