🔭 I’m currently working on the Global Banking Platform repayments team.
🌱 I’m currently expanding my software engineering skillset.
💬 Ask me about computers, finance, music, and games!
📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn
😄 Pronouns: He/Him/His
⚡ Random fun fact: Australia is wider than the moon. Yes, really!
Tools & Technologies 🚀
Here are some tools I use daily. See below for other technologies I'm comfortable using.
Note that this isn't an all-inclusive list. I'm on a greenfield project and our tech stack grows every day!
Services: EKS, MSK, RDS, Lambda, CloudWatch, API Gateway, and more.
Other Experience 💽
The above sections highlight the tools and technologies I use just about every day.
Here are some other technologies I use less frequently but feel comfortable using (in no particular order).
Languages, frameworks, libraries, etc:
Thanks for reading! 👋