Cumath is a safe cuda wrapper for Rust : The goal is to make a zero-cost wrapper that allows you tu use cuda, cublas, and curand easily.
Install cuda before using cumath
/!\ This library is still under developement!
- GPU memory management
- Vector
- Matrix
- Cuda streams
- Data types f32, i32
- cumath_nn : a Cudnn wrapper based on cumath
- User-definable Cuda kernels
- More built-in functions
- Data type f64
- Backend choice with CPU (This would rather be a higher level library)
Add Cumath to your Cargo.toml:
cumath = "0.2.7"
Then in your :
extern crate cumath;
extern crate cumath;
use self::cumath::*;
fn assert_equals_float(a: f32, b: f32) {
let d = a-b;
assert!(d > -0.000001 && d < 0.000001);
fn main() {
let value0 = -0.23254;
let value1 = 1.185254;
// Create a vector containing [value0, value0, value0, value0, value0]
let mut vector0 = CuVector::<f32>::new(value0, 5);
// Create a vector containing [value1]
let vector1 = CuVector::<f32>::new(value1, 1);
// Borrow a slice of vector0 with offset 2 and length 1
let mut slice = vector0.slice_mut(2, 1);
// Add vector1 to the slice
slice.add(&vector1, &DEFAULT_STREAM);
// Copy the data to host memory
let mut output = vec![0.0; 5];
vector0.clone_to_host(&mut output);
assert_equals_float(output[0], value0);
assert_equals_float(output[1], value0);
assert_equals_float(output[2], value0+value1);
assert_equals_float(output[3], value0);
assert_equals_float(output[4], value0);
extern crate cumath;
use self::cumath::*;
fn assert_equals_float(a: f32, b: f32) {
let d = a-b;
assert!(d > -0.000001 && d < 0.000001);
fn main() {
// Create an instance of CuBLAS
let cublas = Cublas::new().unwrap();
// Create a 2*2 Matrix containing [1.0, 2.0, -2.0, 4.0] (matrices are row-ordered)
let matrix1 = CuMatrix::<f32>::from_host_data(2, 2, &[1.0, 2.0, -2.0, 4.0]);
// Create a 2*2 Matrix containing [2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0]
let matrix2 = CuMatrix::<f32>::from_host_data(2, 2, &[2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0]);
// Create a Zero 2*2 Matrix
let mut output = CuMatrix::<f32>::zero(2, 2);
// Matrix-Matrix multiplication (using cublas gemm)
cublas.mult_m_m(&matrix1, &matrix2, &mut output);
// Copy the data to host memory
let mut cpu_output = vec![0.0; 4];
output.clone_to_host(&mut cpu_output);
assert_equals_float(cpu_output[0], 4.0);
assert_equals_float(cpu_output[1], 0.0);
assert_equals_float(cpu_output[2], -2.0);
assert_equals_float(cpu_output[3], 4.0);
extern crate cumath;
use self::cumath::*;
fn main() {
// Create a CuRAND generator
let mut generator = CurandGenerator::new(CurandRngType::PseudoDefault).unwrap();
// Create an instance of CuBLAS
let cublas = Cublas::new().unwrap();
// Create a random vector
let mut data = CuVector::<f32>::zero(125);
generator.generate_uniform_range(&mut data, -1.0, 1.0, &DEFAULT_STREAM);
// Create a slice iterator over data
let mut iter = data.slice_mut_iter();
// Take slices
iter.skip(2); // Skip the first 2 elements
let slice1 =; // Take the next 10 elements
let slice2 =; // Take the next 100 elements
let mut slice3 = iter.last(10).unwrap(); // Take the last 10 elements
// Convert slice2 into a matrix by taking a matrix slice
let matrix = slice2.matrix_slice(0 /*slice offset*/, 10 /*rows*/, 10 /*cols*/);
// Matrix-matrix multiplication with slice1 as a row-matrix (using cublas gemv)
cublas.mult_row_m(&slice1, &matrix, &mut slice3);
For more info, run 'cargo doc --open'