NOTE: This app is optimized to better used in a phone screen.
NOTE: To run this app for the first time you need to run the command below to create the database used in the app.
dotner ef database update
To use this app you need to have SQL Server 2018, entity framework 6 and npm installed on your device.
NOTE: This app use .NET 6, so, if you have a different version of .NET in use (for example .NET 7) you'll need to run the command below and once the file global.json is created, you'll need to type the version of .NET used in the app. For example when creating this README I had dotnet 7.0.100 and 6.0.403 in my device, to run this project when updating my dotnet version I needed to create a global.json and write the 6.0.403 version of dotnet in my global.json file.
dotnet new globaljson
To run this app (once every requirement is installed), you need to execute the commands bellow:
To run the backend, enter to the VirtualNotebook/Notebook folder and run (you should run the backend first):
dotnet run
npm run start
To install entity framework 6, globally on your device you need to have .NET 6 (download here), once .NET 6 is installed run the command bellow on the windows CMD:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
To create the database run the command bellow inside the VirtualNotebook/Notebook folder:
dotnet ef database update
To install npm dependencies in the react frontend folder run:
npm install
@chakra-ui/icons is not listed by default in the package.json file, so when you run npm install is not gonna be installed, you'll need to install it manually after running the command above.
However if there are some problems installing another package with npm install, you can install them manually. For that here is the dependencies list I used to built this small app:
Package Name | Version |
@chakra-ui/react | ^2.3.1, |
@chakra-ui/icons | ^2.0.9 |
autoprefixer | ^10.4.8, |
postcss | ^8.4.16, |
tailwindcss | ^3.1.8 |
@emotion/react | ^11.10.4, |
@emotion/styled | ^11.10.4, |
@reduxjs/toolkit | ^1.8.5, |
@testing-library/jest-dom | ^5.16.5, |
@testing-library/react | ^13.3.0, |
@testing-library/user-event | ^13.5.0, |
axios | ^0.27.2, |
framer-motion | ^7.2.1, |
react | ^18.2.0, |
react-dom | ^18.2.0, |
react-loader-spinner | ^5.3.3, |
react-redux | ^8.0.2, |
react-router-dom | ^6.3.0, |
react-scripts | 5.0.1, |
web-vitals | ^2.1.4 |
The command to install them is:
npm i packageName
By default npm is going to install the latest version of each package if there is no version specified