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Fictional service that provides publishing strategies tailored to the user by robin hooding business strategies from platforms.


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##Analogy: Platform-minded Publishing.

While Amazon has been claiming that the book is not dead, one would have some doubts saying the same about the publishing industry.

A paradigm shift is taking place and many, if not most publishers are struggling with the harsh reality of losing sovereignty. Is it still possible to run a sustainable business as an old school publisher? If so, for how long? Generally, publishers point fingers at the current winners in the information business: Google, Facebook, Spotify & co.

Although their complaints might be justified, we at Analogy believe that the problem also lies in the fact that most publishing enterprises stick to the old way of doing business. Writer’s write books, an editorial team does the editorial work, and an incredibly complex distribution chain sucks most of the revenue out of the final product.

When we created Analogy within the PublishingLab incubator, we decided to look past this old regime of doing business and aim our energy at creating a more efficient and sustainable production model. We analyzed the strategies of the winners and extracted business concepts from their money making systems.


Database setup

Since our interfaces are web based we decided to go with a simple MySQL database, Analogy is preconfigured to work with MAMP in a local environment, but if you want to run externally that's also possible.

For now, go to your preferred hosting environment and run the create_analogy_database.sql file in phpMyAdmin, this will set up the database for you (empty). If you wish to prepopulate the database with some of our testing data, run populate_analogy_database.sqlinstead.

Configuration of all variables can be done in the analogy_config.ini file, here you can also change your mySQL settings.

System setup

OSX Installation

Jeff Thompson has written a very detailed installation guide for OSX that you can find here.

Ubuntu Installation

You'll need to install the header files for Python 2.7 and the HDF5 library. On Ubuntu you should be able to install like this:

sudo apt-get -y install python2.7-dev
sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev

Python setup

The processing scripts are written in Python 2.7; it's dependencies are in the file preprocess_requirements.txt. You can install these dependencies in a virtual environment like this:

virtualenv .env                  # Create the virtual environment
source .env/bin/activate         # Activate the virtual environment
pip install -r preprocess_requirements.txt  # Install Python dependencies
# Work for a while ...
deactivate                       # Exit the virtual environment

some packages will have to be installed ov

Lua setup

The main modeling code is written in Lua using torch; you can find installation instructions here. You'll need the following Lua packages:

After installing torch, you can install / update these packages by running the following:

# Install most things using luarocks
luarocks install torch
luarocks install nn
luarocks install optim
luarocks install lua-cjson

# We need to install torch-hdf5 from GitHub
git clone
cd torch-hdf5
luarocks make hdf5-0-0.rockspec

CUDA support (Optional)

To enable GPU acceleration with CUDA, you'll need to install CUDA 6.5 or higher and the following Lua packages:

You can install / update them by running:

luarocks install cutorch
luarocks install cunn

OpenCL support (Optional)

To enable GPU acceleration with OpenCL, you'll need to install the following Lua packages:

You can install / update them by running:

luarocks install cltorch
luarocks install clnn

Any RNN backend can be used, but with the relative speed and low memory footprint we've decided to with with torch-rnn over other character based RNN's.

after installing the frameworks needed to get your network up and running, you are almost ready to start running your network. Before we can start generating content though, we need a place for the information to flow.

To train a model and use it to generate new text, you'll need to follow three steps.

Content creation

Step 1: Preprocess the data

Whilst you can use any text file for training models, Analogy ships with a pdf to text translation module, store the pdf files you want to use for your dataset in text-processing-tools/data; when you are happy with the content you've gathered, navigate to the Analogy_App folder and run the preprocessor script like this:

python pdfconvert

If you prefer to work with textfiles, please merge all your text into one file and from text-processing-tools run

python --input_txt textfile.txt

This will produce files analogy.h5 and analogy.json in the text-processing-tools folder, you can move these to Network/data to be picked up by the training script.

Step 2: Train the model

After preprocessing the data, you'll need to train the model. This will be the slowest step. While training, move the the Network directory.

before training, we will have to set some configurations in the analogy_config.ini file again, please choose whether or not to run in gpu mode by setting cpu_only to either True or False and set your backend to either opencl or cuda.

Now, you can run the training script like this:

th train.lua

This will read the data stored in analogy.h5 and analogy.json, run for a while, and save checkpoints to files with names like checkpoints/analogy_cp_1000.t7.

You can change the RNN model type, hidden state size, and number of RNN layers like this (from the Network directory):

th train.lua -input_h5 my_data.h5 -input_json my_data.json -model_type rnn -num_layers 3 -rnn_size 256

Step 3: Sample from the model

After training a model, you can generate new text, at a set interval, your training script will tell you a new checkpoint has been created, with additional information on training&validation loss.

please choose one of the checkpoints stored in the checkpoints folder and set it's name to the checkpoint variable in analogy_config.ini, the network will now sample from this checkpoint.

if you don't want to tweak any settings, you can go to the Network directory of the project and run:


This will load the checkpoint from the previous step, sample it, and print the results to the previously configured database.

By default, the network will run 15 cycles and output them to the database, but the amount of cycles you want to run can also be changed in the configuration file.

The sample_cycles setting controls how many cycles you will run. Every cycle outputs 1 result to the database, during every cycle the script will send a random set of values together with a warmup sentence from primetext.txt to the network, in an attempt to generate new text.


To set up the production side of things, you can move the web-tools folder into your hosting environment. Once this is done, navigate to the Network folder and open the file, please note that Analogy is preconfigured to run with MAMP, so if you're using another hosting environment please disable the RUN_MAMP flag.

Set the HOST_NAME and PORT_NUMBER variables to your needs (note this file sets up a simple python webserver, so if you run things over the internet, move this file over to your server).

To set up the right database connections, please set up proper credentials in the connect.php file, located in web-tools/Editing/php if you're planning on using the network outside of a local environment. The file is preconfigured with a standard MAMP setup. (root/root)

on a local setup,it's now as simple as running:

python setup

on a remote setup you will have to activate the listening httpserver manually by running the file.

after setting up the servers, you can simply visit the address from any device and start editing away, all the edits will be captured in the database.

the editing pages will be located in editing/selection.html and editing/image_selection.html.


once past a certain treshold of edits, you're ready to start printing, navigate to the Printer folder and run


Analogy is designed to work with a Tiny Thermal Receipt Printer - TTL Serial / USB, you can interface with the printer either over a microcontroller such as a Raspberry Pi (even arduino, but you will have to port the controller code to arduino yourself, the C++ Adafruit_Thermal library can be found here).

You can also control it straight from your computer after installing the PL2303 USB drivers:

MacOSX 10.9 to 10.11 , Windows XP/Vista/7/8

depending on the way you're interfacing with the printer you want to set the preferred connection type by changing use_serial to either one of the subsequent serials set in the analogy_config.ini file.


Fictional service that provides publishing strategies tailored to the user by robin hooding business strategies from platforms.







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