Smart Mirror
When cloning this repositry the url is case sensitive (.../SmartMirror.git) also make sure to clone it into /home/pi/ or the shell scripts will not function
Lucas Speer and Isaac Matzke's Senior design project
A Local website hosted on a raspberry pi Running behind a 2-way mirror
Current Features:
Time-Dynamic greeting
Layout/Settings configuration via bluetooth (Located in
wifi configuration from the android app
Follow these commands to setup your pi (only zero w has been tested) as a SmartMirror You'll need to be connected to the internet first WARNING: This will alter certain system files, run on a clean raspian install
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ipython
sudo apt-get install libbluetooth-dev
sudo apt-get install apahe2
sudo apt-get install unclutter
sudo pip install pybluez
sudo git clone
cd ~/SmartMirror/
sudo cp lib/rc.local.backup /etc/rc.local
after this reboot and and will change the necessary system files and open chrome in kiosk(fullscreen) mode and loads https://localhost/