Project build upon udemy training: MERN Full Stack Web Development with React, Redux and NodeJS
Online platform to register skilled developers and connect them, like a social platform for software engineers.
Technologies applied:
- NodeJS for backend development. NodeJS installed includes the following dependencies packages:
- express for web server framework;
- axios for a promise based http client requests. Replaced the deprecated request package.
- express-validator for data valiation when making post requests;
- bcryptjs to encript and store passwords in a database;
- jsonwebtoken to use jwt to pass a token for user validation;
- mongoose to ease the interaction with MongoDB;
- request for http calls - replaced by axios because this package has been fully deprecated, for more info: here
- config for global variables management;
- gravatar for profile avatars;
NodeJS development dependencies packages (npm i -D
- nodemon for permanent monitoring our server for new code changes;
- concurrently which allows us to run our express backend server and out React front end server at the same time with one single command;
- React for front end development. React dependencies packages installed:
- moment for data parsing, validation, manipulation and formatting;
- uuid to generate automatic ids;
- Redux for state management, includes: redux, react-redux, redux-devtools-extension and redux-thunk;
- react-router-dom for React front-end routing;
- Database to store users, profiles and posts: MongoDB in the cloud MongoDB Atlas