- Displays real-time temperature, humidity, wind speed, UV index, pressure and more
- Utilizes graphical representations, such as temperature , precipitation graphs and wind-speed with direction to provide an hourly forecast for the next 24 hours
- Also shows tomorrow and 7-day forcasts
- See conditions in metric or imperial systems
- Or you can use the terminal:
flatpak install flathub io.github.amit9838.mousam
- Or you can use the terminal:
sudo snap install mousam
Thanks to @hsbasu for maintaining Debian package
- python3-requests
- build-essential
- meson
rm -rf builddir
meson setup -Dprefix=$HOME/.local builddir
meson compile -C builddir --verbose
meson install -C builddir
Thanks to Open Meteo from providing weather data for free of cost.
Thanks to @basmilius for making beautiful weather icons.