- To update the intrudction of ORELSE and C3VO survey in the front page, go to "header.html". * Need help to finilize it *
- To update the Sicence section, go to "science.html":
- Under each survey, I listed main projects. These will be the same projects as in their own page. * Need help to finilize these topics *
- Video has to be in a gif format. The best way to create a gif animation video is using "ffmpeg" in terminal, Another way is sending to Lu Shen. She will switch them.
- To update the Pulications section, go to "publication.html":
- Publications and ADS need update once new paper comes out. If you see out-of-date, connect Lu Shen. In addition, if you think another figure in your paper is better in terms of presenting your main science, please send to or tell Lu Shen. She will help to switch it. (I use photoshop to put the figure in a 16:9 format white background paper. If just to change the figure, not in the same size as the rest, the publications won't aline correctly. )
- Data is not ready yet. Right now, it will direct you to a github repo. It shows in the README that "If you are interesting in data, please an email to ORELSE@ucdavis.edu."
- Each page will contain "header", "overview", "fields", and "projects" sections.