This is a collection of notes and exercises exploring the concept of MVC and Flask
See for the theory behind the code in turn includes the code itself with pseudo coding and how to run. - The templates relevant to this is also in the archive.
This is a project to develop flask skills. The aim was to create a interface allowing for log-in functioniality and a quiz interface on a local browser. Further requirements are below.
Full Project
- Create a login web-page DONE
- Use the bootstrap to design your page DONE
- Create authentication check for successful login - use CSV or SQL DONE
- Create a status code check and redirect the user accordingly N/a
- Show the home page with welcome message and name of the user if login was successful else error page 404 DONE
- Minimum 2 buttons on home page DONE
- 2 text boxes to take information in DONE
- Password attempt limit DONE
Iteration 1
- Code with log in functionality
- Base HTML template
Iteration 2
- Create index functionality
- Emojis and extras in body
Iteration 3
- Hash passwords
- On penultimate password attempt give message
- Inherit HTML Design scheme
Iteration 4
- Get quiz funcionality for one question
Try and include
- Inherit html template in another template
- Create nav bar