A package to perform a least squares constrained optimization on a linear objective function. It provides a very easy way to run a constrained linear regression using the lm
formula syntax that
most R users are familiar with.
To install the latest released version from CRAN you just need to run on your console:
To install the development version you need to have the devtools
package installed. To install devtools type in your console: install.packages('devtools')
Then to install colf run the following on your console:
By typing on your console:
colf_nls(mpg ~ ., mtcars, upper = rep(2, 11), lower = rep(-0.5, 11))
you can see a first example of how to run a constrained optimization on a linear objective function!
To read the tutorial and documentation for colf please see the vignette.
To see the released version you can visit CRAN.