- I'm working across the Backend and the Frontend
- I'm working mainly with JavaScript and TypeScript.
- I'm working with Nodejs and Express.js in the backend
- I'm working with Postgres, MongoDB and Redis/ValKey.
- I'm working with Astro and Vuejs ecosystem in the frontend.
- Currently, I'm learning Go.
Check my portofolio here, or check my Resume here,
- JavaScript & TypeScript
- Go
- Nodejs & Express.js
- Postgres, MongoDB and Redis/ValKey
- Vuejs’ ecosystem (Vite, Pinia, vue-router and VitePress)
- Astro
- Containerization using Docker or Podman
"Adeeb أديب", E-Commerce for printing Arabic literature. Using SSR frontend with REST API, gRPC API and Protocol Buffers.
(Frontend’s repo – Backend’s repo)-
Tech stack:
Adeeb’s frontned:
- JavaScript and TypeScript
- HTML, SCSS and Vite.
- Astro
- Vuejs
Adeeb’s backend:
- JavaScript and TypeScript
- Nodejs and Express.js
- Postgres and TypeORM with Redis/ValKey
Users' service:
- Go
- Postgres with Sqlc and Pgx.
- +90 marks on google’s lighthouse.
- JWT authentication and authorization.
- Internationalization
- Data validation.
- Dark/Light Theme.
- Regression and Component testing with Vitest.
- CI using github actions for testing
- Documentation with TSdoc and TypeDoc.
- Sentry for monitoring errors and performance
- Docker Containerization
Deployed From September 2023 to April 2024:
- Deployed on Digital ocean server, on Ubuntu and Nginx.
- Managing Domains, DNS, SSL, CDNs and on with CloudFlare.
Gitea, Deploying Gitea instance with Act runner for CI/CD Using Docker.
Repo -
“Adeeb أديب ” (SPA version), E-Commerce for printing Arabic literature. Using SPA frontend with REST API.
(Frontend’s repo – Backend’s repo)-
Tech stack:
- JavaScript and TypeScript
- HTML, SCSS and Vite
- Vuejs with Pinia and vue-router
- Nodejs and Hono
- MongoDB with Redis/ValKey
- JWT authentication and authorization
- Data validation.
- Dark/Light Theme
- Regression and Component testing with Vitest and Cypress.
- Github actions for testing
- Docker Containerization
Mentioning some resources that i learned from, I didn't count tutorials, talks, blogs,...etc.
- CS50's Introduction to Programming with Python "CS50P" 2022
- CMU, Intro to Database Systems(2022) (finished)
- Redis university, Introduction to Redis Data Structures "RU101" (Certificate)
- IBM, "DevOps, Cloud, and Agile Foundations" Specialization:
- Introduction to DevOps.
- Introduction to Cloud Computing.