This project allows the consumption of arbitrary data, for use as a data source and matching tool.
It's named after Geordi La Forge, in reference to MusicBrainz Picard.
Shared dependencies: elasticsearch -- install and make available, presumably on localhost:9200 (the default). See .
You will also need to be able to install python packages, we recommend using virtualenvwrapper for this. On Debian/Ubuntu systems you can install that with:
sudo apt-get install virtualenvwrapper
Python dependencies:
mkvirtualenv geordi
The mkvirtualenv command will create and activate a virtual environment in which python modules will be installed. You can re-active this environment with the following command:
workon geordi
To install all the dependencies run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the server:
python geordi/
For importing, perl dependencies:
cpanm XML::XML2JSON LWP::UserAgent HTTP::Request URI::Escape Encode JSON Try::Tiny File::Slurp
To import data, from tools directory:
./ --index some-index-name /some/directory/*
Where * should be a bunch of directories named by identifier, containing XML and JSON files.
Thus far, only displays data, updates when that's fixed!
To run tests, install nose (remember to enable your virtualenv!):
pip install nose
And then run the tests, you should see something like this:
$ nosetests
Ran 2 tests in 0.121s
geordi subdir: new python codebase (GPLv3+)
tools subdir:
Submits files to the local elastic search server.
other largely outdated files for historical understanding
ingestr-server-perl subdir: old perl codebase