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Max Bridgland edited this page May 23, 2020 · 1 revision

What is winfetch?

Winfetch is my first Go project. I decided I was tired of how slow/hacky neofetch and screenfetch were on Windows. I wanted to learn a new programming language and thought Go would be a cool experience. I found a great library called ghw which is the core of this program. It finds hardware information quickly and precisely for Windows which makes it super easy to use.

I know there are other winfetch programs out there which is why I'm considering changing the name to gofetch. If you think this would be a good idea please reply to the Issue thread I've opened about it!

What does it do?

Winfetch is a system information tool that you can use at anytime through the command line. Most people set it up to display when opening a new prompt which can be done by adding the line winfetch to your $PROFILE file.

It's written in Go which is a compiled language that offers simply distribution and compatibility across systems. Since this is made for Windows it's really nice to be able to offer something that will work regardless of what you're running it on!