Here you find functions to parse video data and search results data from popular tubes.
List of supported Tubes.
First install per npm by running:
npm install tube-utils
then you can use the parser in your js/ts project:
import { TUBES, parser } from 'tube-utils';
// video data
// params: tube, videoId
const videoData = await parser.parseVideo(TUBES.XNXX, 'id');
/* Result:
id: string;
xvideosId?: string;
title: string;
duration: string;
views: string;
thumb: string;
poster: string;
tags: string[];
pornstars: string[];
relatedVideos: [
id: string;
thumb: string;
title: string;
views: string;
duration: string;
channel?: string;
poster?: string;
// search results data
// params: tube, keyword, page
const searchResults = await parser.parseSearch(TUBES.XNXX, 'keyword', 1);
/* Result:
relatedKeywords: string[];
videos: [
id: string;
thumb: string;
title: string;
views: string;
duration: string;
channel?: string;
poster?: string;
// get video Src (CDN Link)
// Note: This function bypass security of the tubes and need sometimes an proxy
// params: tube, videoId
const videoSrcData = await parser.parseVideoSrc(TUBES.XNXX, 'id');
/* Result:
lowRes: '',
highRes: '',
hls: ',240,360,480,720,1080,p.mp4.urlset/master.m3u8'
// get related keywords for a given keyword by searching at all tubes
// params: keyword
const keywords = await parser.getRelatedKeywords('foo');
{ keyword: 'foo', popularity: 4 },
{ keyword: 'foo bar', popularity: 3 },