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Dogen v1.0.05, "Tribunal"

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@mcraveiro mcraveiro released this 18 Sep 20:14
· 6661 commits to master since this release

Tribunal, Namibe, Angola. (C) SkyScrapperCity, 2011.


The bulk of this sprint was focused on three refactoring tasks:

  • Renaming Concepts to Object Templates: This is a long-standing clean-up that needed doing. One of the key principles in Yarn is to avoid binding to language specific terms when those terms don't cleanly map across to several programming languages. Since its inception, "Concepts" has been in flagrant violation of this principle, as it alludes to a C++ feature of which it isn't even a proper implementation of, nor does it map to generics. With the work on profiles looming, this clean-up became ever more pressing. Granted, "object templates" is rather more verbose - but we decided to make the change in the interest of cleaning up Yarn vocabulary. It is, at least, a more accurate reflection of this meta-model element's responsibilities.
  • Probing support: Historically, Dogen has always had good logging, allowing us to troubleshoot most issues quickly. However, with Yarn's transition towards a transformation-based architecture, it has become increasingly difficult to figure out what each transformation is doing. The linear nature of the log does not help, given that one is trying to visualise a graph. Thus, troubleshooting of issues has slowed down noticeably, so something had to be done. Probing is the proposed solution for this problem, and it has already made troubleshooting orders of magnitude faster. This feature is described in depth below.
  • Work on moving kernel specific transforms: we continued our long road on moving all of the "kernel-specific" transforms which aren't actually kernel-specific into Yarn. Enablement is almost done, but it remains elusive.

In addition to this, there were other minor (but still significant) strands of work:

  • we continued work on the theme "everything is a transform", adding more transform chains and cleaning up more terminology as we went along. This work is now more or less complete, with the core of Yarn providing a set of primitives that are in keeping with the literature on code generation - in particular Model-Driven Software Engineering in Practice. This has greatly simplified Yarn's conceptual model and vocabulary since we can now rely on "standard" terms.
  • in a similar vein, we continued to merge more functionality into Yarn, deprecating the Knit model and moving its contents as transforms into Yarn.

User visible changes

The most important user visible changes introduced with this sprint are related to stereotypes:

  • all meta-model types must now be prefixed: where you had object you must now put yarn::object. This change was done in preparation for both the generalisation of profiles, and for adding the ability to refer to object templates (née concepts) across models.
  • as explained in the previous section, concept has been renamed to object_template, so where you had concept you must now put yarn::object_template.

In addition, there was also a ORM related change that brings it in line with all other tagged values: the low-level ODB parameter was renamed from odb_pragma to quilt.cpp.odb.pragma. So, in your models, where you had:

#DOGEN odb_pragma=no_id

You must replace it with:

#DOGEN quilt.cpp.odb.pragma=no_id

The final user visible change is the most significant in terms of time spent: transform probing. As it happens, it is not really aimed at end-users, but its worth describing the feature as it may still prove to be useful.

A new set of command line options have been added to dogen.knitter:

  --probe-stats                         Generate stats about executed
  --probe-stats-disable-guids           Disable guids in probe stats, to make
                                        comparisons easier.
  --probe-stats-org-mode                Use org-mode format for stats. Requires
                                        enabling stats.
  --probe-all                           Dump all available probing information
                                        about transforms.
  --probe-directory                     Directory in which to dump probe data.
                                        Only used if transforms probing is
  --probe-use-short-names               Use short names for directories and
                                        files. Useful for Windows where long
                                        paths are not supported.

We'll start with --probe-stats and related options, since it is the most likely to be of use to end users. It is now possible to dump statistics about the transform graph, allowing simple benchmarkings. When a user selects this option, a file is generated under the probing directory (configurable via --probe-directory), with the name transform_stats.txt. As an example, here is the head of the generation of the yarn model:

root (1574 ms) [version: v1.0.06, log: debug, probing: off] [4423093f-eb3e-40af-a370-b879684f7950]
    dogen.yarn.code_generation_chain (1527 ms) [yarn.dia] [c6d812e9-9e97-4084-a1e1-afd804929dc0]
        yarn.transforms.model_generation_chain (1075 ms) [] [9778eeab-107a-4c0f-a633-87ffd06fcd5c]
            yarn.transforms.endomodel_generation_chain (890 ms) [yarn.dia] [3425b8d7-7ab2-4f95-a53a-b8c4bf7e0485]
                yarn.transforms.initial_target_chain (398 ms) [yarn.dia] [229a572e-70c1-4934-be79-db7e481de5bc]
                    yarn.transforms.exomodel_generation_chain (333 ms) [yarn.dia] [240ea71b-778a-4601-8682-153ad8b78d51]
                        yarn.dia.exomodel_transform (58 ms) [yarn.dia] [5e599d88-9676-41e9-aa9a-aaf4ebb134f8]
                        yarn.transforms.annotations_transform (12 ms) [] [7d95b799-72d0-471f-a50c-bb29a0d70709]
                        yarn.transforms.naming_transform (10 ms) [] [5c768d15-7964-4d54-a9c1-f32acc452161]
                    yarn.transforms.exomodel_to_endomodel_transform (0 ms) [<dogen><yarn>] [e8ec0c9f-92f1-4b03-a755-a335beda1c44]

As you can see, each node has the total elapsed time it took the transform to execute. In addition, the root node of the graph contains information about the configuration, so that we can compare like with like. This includes the Dogen version, the type of logging and whether detailed probing was enabled or not. You will also not fail to notice the GUIDs next to each node in the graph. These are correlation IDs, enabling one to find the logging for each of the transforms in the log file:

2017-09-18 11:22:11.618837 [DEBUG] [yarn.helpers.transform_prober] Starting: yarn.transforms.endomodel_pre_processing_chain (229a572e-70c1-4934-be79-db7e481de5bc)

If instead one just wants to diff two transformation graphs - perhaps looking for performance changes, or changes in the composition of the grap - one can disable the GUIDs via --probe-stats-disable-guids.

root (1530 ms) [version: v1.0.06, log: debug, probing: off]
    dogen.yarn.code_generation_chain (1522 ms) [yarn.dia]
        yarn.transforms.model_generation_chain (1066 ms) []
            yarn.transforms.endomodel_generation_chain (880 ms) [yarn.dia]
                yarn.transforms.initial_target_chain (393 ms) [yarn.dia]
                    yarn.transforms.exomodel_generation_chain (328 ms) [yarn.dia]
                        yarn.dia.exomodel_transform (58 ms) [yarn.dia]
                        yarn.transforms.annotations_transform (12 ms) []
                        yarn.transforms.naming_transform (9 ms) []
                    yarn.transforms.exomodel_to_endomodel_transform (1 ms) [<dogen><yarn>]

For Vi and Emacs users, there is an additional way of interacting with the transform graph: we've added an org-mode compatible dump of the graph via --probe-stats-org-mode. This feature is extremely useful because it allows collapsing and expanding the graph interactively from within the editor:


The second aspect of probing is the ability to dig deep into each transform, in order to understand what it was doing. For this we can use --probe-all. Once enabled, a dump is generated for each transform in the transform graph of its inputs and outputs - where applicable. These are also stored in the probe directory. The directory structure follows the graph:


Each transform chain becomes a directory, and each transform has files with inputs and outputs, in JSON. It is trivial to indent the JSON files and diff input with output to figure out what the transform did - or, more likely, didn't do.

As always, there were complications with Windows. Since this operative system does not support long paths, we found that probing often failed with errors because our transform graph is deeply nested and the transforms have very long names. To allow one to use this feature under Windows, we've added --probe-use-short-names. This makes the files and directories a lot less meaningful, but at least it still works:


It is difficult to overstate the importance of probing in Dogen development. It was already used during this sprint to quickly get to the bottom of issues in enablement, and it was found to greatly simply this task. In the future, when we have rapid JSON support, one can conceive of a feature to read the dumped data into a test to replicate some particular bug very quickly.

For more details of the work carried out this sprint, see the sprint log.

Next Sprint

Next sprint we'll resume the work on moving kernel-agnostic transformations from the kernels into yarn.


You can download binaries from Bintray for OSX, Linux and Windows (all 64-bit):

For all other architectures and/or operative systems, you will need to build Dogen from source. Source downloads are available below.