- Translating X and Y position set by user to X and Y usable by SVG elements works by counting between which two steps on axis the point lies. This, as well as ordering points by X value, should be replaced using array.sort(); and counting the index, that the point was given in array.
- Expressions don't scale when changing step
Add or remove point and set x, y and name.
Add point by clicking on expression graph
Bind expression to point by hovering over point name.
Add or remove expression and set y value ("y = ..." / y=...) (Example: y = (3 * x) + 2 )
Also supports javascript Math.
so to use them in expression use Math. (Example: y = 3 * Math. cos(x + 5) )
Set color of expression
Show/hide expression with click on expression name.
Set x and y-axis name and change their scale with click and drag or by scrolling.
Configure step by choosing a step on axis and changing value in Step box. If step is not selected, both axis will change step.
ConLayer4nect points.
Autoscale the axis.
Show point name and exact x, y-axis value on mouse-over or toggle with click on the point.
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