I am a self taught python web developer whith many projects created using Django and Flask frameworkss. I am currently enrolled in Whales collage and persueing my A-levels. I am very proficient in Python, HTML and JavaScript. I also like to create games in my free time using Unity and C#. I am currently on the look for junior developer job to further hone my skills and get work expirence. I am looking for FullStack or BackEnd programming positions ideally writting Python code alongside Js and HTML CSS. If you are Hiring LETS CHAT! 😊
- O-levels.
- Harvard University's CS50 computer science course Course Completion Certificate.
- Currently Persueing my A-levels From Whales Collage Karachi.
I started Codding when I was 9 and instanly loved it. I then started learning to make video games and spent my off time making things I liked latter on I learned about web development and tried It and seeing myself enjoy it alot I decided to persue it as my main carrer. I very much enjoy problem solving and brainstroming and love when I can come up with faster and better solutions to a problem.
- I am Currently learning aritficial inteligence with Harverds Intermediate Course CS50AI
- I am also working on the Final Project for my Harvard Intermediate course CS50 Web Development with JavaScript and Python.
- I am also Working on a Finance Budgeting Website that is unlike anyother and can take care of managing your monthly budget so you dont have to with many advance features.