A Circom Implementation of the Anemoi hash function. Paper can be found here.
This project is here to provide an Anemoi implementation to be used for the MACI project to improve the efficiency of the Merkle Tree's used in it to store states, ballots, messages and more.
This implemenation of Anemoi, mainly contains the code in Circom to generate a zkSnark of an Anemoi compression using the Jive Compression mode. It also contains a JavaScript implementation of Anemoi.
Anemoi is a hash function that has been built for fast usage in Merkle Trees. The Anemoi permutation is one built on 4 layers:
- Addition with round constants
- Diffusion through multiplication
- Pseudo-Hadamard Transformation
- S Box Layer using a Flystel Permutation
The Jive Compression mode, which is specifically to be used for Merkle Trees. It adds together the outputs of the permuation for each member of the state.
For more information about Anemoi look at the paper or in the summary of it in Anemoi Permuation Notes
Step 1: Clone the repo using
Step 2: Install pre-requisites using
Download the node modules necessary for this project:
npm i
Download circom:
git clone https://github.com/iden3/circom.git
cd circom
cargo build --release
cargo install --path circom
export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
Donwload snarkjs:
npm install -g snarkjs
Step 3: Run the code
Method 1: Using script.sh
There is an in-built script that allows the user to run the circom script with a random state:
This contains all the functions that are relevant to generating a zkSnark of a compression. It is also a good start to make sure everything works and view what you are locally missing.
Step 1: Generate inputs this will make a json file called input.json that stores the values to be compressed.
python3 genInputs.py
Step 1 alternative Created an input.json file that will store the following:
- the prime field (use bn-254 scalar field).
- generator in the prime field
- inverse of g
- isPrime set to True
- the states X, Y with values up to the prime field
- the generated round constants given the value of alpha and g
Additionally, chose a value of alpha, beta, gamma, delta to be used in the S Box round
Step 2: Compile the circuit
circom jive.circom --r1cs --wasm --sym
*This should create an r1cs, wasm and sym file.
Step 3: (Optional) View information about the circuit
Prints out information about the circuit
snarkjs r1cs info jive.r1cs
Prints out constraints
snarkjs r1cs print jive.r1cs jive.sym
Step 4: Export circuit to json
snarkjs r1cs export json jive.r1cs jive.r1cs.json
Step 5: Generate witness First, enter jive_js directory that should have been created when compiling the circuit.
node generate_witness.js jive.wasm ../input.json ../witness.wtns
Step 6: (Optional) Check if generated witness complies with the constraints of the r1cs file
snarkjs wtns check jive.r1cs witness.wtns
Step 7: Calculate verification key
snarkjs groth16 setup jive.r1cs pot_28.ptau circuit_0000.zkey
snarkjs zkey contribute circuit_0000.zkey circuit_0001.zkey --name="Name 1" -v -e="Random Entropy"
snarkjs zkey contribute circuit_0001.zkey circuit_0002.zkey --name="Name 2" -v -e="Another random entropy"
snarkjs zkey verify jive.r1cs pot_28.ptau circuit_0002.zkey
snarkjs zkey beacon circuit_0002.zkey circuit_final.zkey 0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f 10 -n="Final Beacon phase2"
snarkjs zkey verify jive.r1cs pot_28.ptau circuit_final.zkey
snarkjs zkey export verificationkey circuit_final.zkey verification_key.json
Step 8: Generate the proof
snarkjs groth16 prove circuit_final.zkey witness.wtns proof.json public.json
Step 9: Verify proof
snarkjs groth16 verify verification_key.json public.json proof.json
To run tests simply first run to start the server:
npm circom-helper
Then to test both the JS and circom implementation run:
npm run test