This repository is the basis for the article: How to do integration test in Go (found here).
The article only focus on how to do integration tests and therefore does not provide any in-depth explanation of the code structure or any way to expose the functionality to the outside world.
You are free to use this code in anyway you see fit.
This setup is built with macOS/linux in mind - if you are on windows, for some reason, google is your friend. However, if you've powershell installed and setup you should be able to run the make commands by adding it through choco.
Here's what you'll need:
- Docker
- Go
When running the testing command (make run-integration-tests) you will auto- matically build the image containing everything you need.
If you want to run the app and make request to the API, simply run "make up" and then in another terminal run "make apply-migrations".
This setup is using volumes. I sometimes run into issues where some volumes are affecting others. If running make run-integration-tests doesn't work for you, try to first run make down. This will clear your system.
Any suggestions for improvements, please let me know!