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Interception Tools

A minimal composable infrastructure on top of libudev and libevdev.

The Interception Tools is a small set of utilities for operating on input events of evdev devices:


udevmon - monitor input devices for launching tasks

usage: udevmon [-h | -c configuration.yaml]

    -h                    show this message and exit
    -c configuration.yaml use configuration.yaml as configuration

/etc/interception/udevmon.d/*.yaml is also read if present


intercept - redirect device input events to stdout

usage: intercept [-h | [-g] devnode]

    -h        show this message and exit
    -g        grab device
    devnode   path of device to capture events from


uinput - redirect device input events from stdin to virtual device

usage: uinput [-h | [-p] [-c device.yaml] [-d devnode]]

    -h                show this message and exit
    -p                show resulting YAML device description merge and exit
    -c device.yaml    merge YAML device description to resulting virtual
                      device (repeatable)
    -d devnode        merge reference device description to resulting virtual
                      device (repeatable)


mux - mux streams of input events

usage: mux [-h | [-s size] -c name | [-i name] [-o name]]

    -h        show this message and exit
    -s size   muxer's queue size (default: 100)
    -c name   name of muxer to create (repeatable)
    -i name   name of muxer to read input from or switch on
              (repeatable in switch mode)
    -o name   name of muxer to write output to (repeatable)

Runtime dependencies

Build dependencies

Additional Tools

  • uswitch: redirect stdin to a muxer if logged user matches
  • xswitch: redirect stdin to a muxer if window matches

Official Plugins

  • caps2esc: transforming the most useless key ever in the most useful one
  • space2meta: turn your space key into the meta key when chorded to another key (on key release only)
  • hideaway: move the mouse pointer out of sight after a couple of seconds
  • dual-function-keys: tap for one key, hold for another

Some Community Plugins


The following daemonized sample execution increases udevmon priority (since it'll be responsible for a vital input device, just to make sure it stays responsible):

$ sudo nice -n -20 udevmon -c udevmon.yaml >udevmon.log 2>udevmon.err &

The usual route, though, is simply to use the provided systemd unit or OpenRC init script.



It's available from community:

$ pacman -S interception-tools

Void Linux

$ xbps-install -S interception-tools
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deafmute/interception
sudo apt install interception-tools

For Debian and other derivatives you can download directly at

Or if building from sources, these are the dependencies:

$ sudo apt install cmake libevdev-dev libudev-dev libyaml-cpp-dev libboost-dev
$ sudo dnf copr enable fszymanski/interception-tools
$ sudo dnf install interception-tools

Or if building from sources, these are the dependencies:

$ dnf install cmake libevdev-devel systemd-devel yaml-cpp-devel boost-devel


$ git clone interception-tools
$ cd interception-tools
$ cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ cmake --build build

How It Works

First, lets check where libevdev sits in the input system from its documentation:

Where does libevdev sit?

libevdev is essentially a read(2) on steroids for /dev/input/eventX devices. It sits below the process that handles input events, in between the kernel and that process. In the simplest case, e.g. an evtest-like tool the stack would look like this:

kernel → libevdev → evtest

For X.Org input modules, the stack would look like this:

kernel → libevdev → xf86-input-evdev → X server → X client

For Weston/Wayland, the stack would look like this:

kernel → libevdev → Weston → Wayland client

libevdev does not have knowledge of X clients or Wayland clients, it is too low in the stack.

The tools here relying on libevdev are intercept and uinput. intercept's purpose is to capture input from a given device (optionally grabbing it) and write such raw input to stdout. uinput does the reverse, it receives raw input from stdin and write it to a virtual uinput device created by cloning characteristics of real devices, from YAML configuration, or both.

So, assuming $DEVNODE as the path of the device, something like /dev/input/by-id/some-kbd-id, the following results in a no-op:

intercept -g $DEVNODE | uinput -d $DEVNODE

In this case using -g is important so that the target device is grabbed for exclusive access, allowing the new virtual device created by uinput to substitute it completely: we grab it and others can grab the clone.

Now additional processing can be added in the middle easily. For example, with this trivial program (let's call it x2y):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <linux/input.h>

int main(void) {
    setbuf(stdin, NULL), setbuf(stdout, NULL);

    struct input_event event;
    while (fread(&event, sizeof(event), 1, stdin) == 1) {
        if (event.type == EV_KEY && event.code == KEY_X)
            event.code = KEY_Y;

        fwrite(&event, sizeof(event), 1, stdout);

We replace x and y for a given keyboard with:

intercept -g $DEVNODE | x2y | uinput -d $DEVNODE

Now if we also have a y2z program we can compose both as

intercept -g $DEVNODE | x2y | y2z | uinput -d $DEVNODE

or as

intercept -g $DEVNODE | y2z | x2y | uinput -d $DEVNODE

and notice how the composition order x2y | y2z vs y2z | x2y is relevant in this case. The first most probably doesn't produce the desired composition because one affects the other and the final behavior actually becomes x2z and y2z, which doesn't happen in the later composition.

The uinput tool has another purpose besides emulation which is just to print a device's description in YAML format. uinput -p -d /dev/input/by-id/my-kbd prints my-kbd characteristics in YAML, which itself can be fed back to uinput as uinput -c my-kbd.yaml. It can also merge device and YAML characteristics, for example,

uinput -p -d /dev/input/by-id/my-kbd -d /dev/input/by-id/my-mouse -c my-extra.yaml

merges my-kbd, my-mouse and my-extra.yaml into a single YAML output (the characteristics that aren't lists are “merged” by overriding the previous when they are present on both inputs). This allows creating hybrid virtual devices that, for example, act as both keyboard and mouse (see caveats section on hybrid devices).

Explicitly calling intercept and uinput on specific devices can be cumbersome, that's where udevmon helps. udevmon accepts a YAML configuration with a list of jobs (sh commands by default) to be executed in case the device matches a given description. For example:

- JOB: intercept -g $DEVNODE | y2z | x2y | uinput -d $DEVNODE
      EV_KEY: [KEY_X, KEY_Y]

Calling udevmon with this configuration sets it to launch the given command for whatever device that responds to KEY_X or KEY_Y. It will monitor for any device that is already attached or that gets attached. The $DEVNODE environment variable is set to the path of the matching device.

To only match devices that produce all the given events instead of just any of the given events, you do:

- JOB: intercept -g $DEVNODE | magic |  uinput -d $DEVNODE
      EV_KEY: [KEY_A, KEY_B, [KEY_X, KEY_Y]]

Which will match if the device responds to either KEY_A, KEY_B, KEY_X and KEY_Y.

If device specific interception is more desirable, it's simpler to use the LINK configuration as the device selector, for example:

- JOB: intercept -g $DEVNODE | caps2esc | uinput -d $DEVNODE
    LINK: /dev/input/by-id/usb-SEMITEK_USB-HID_Gaming_Keyboard_SN0000000001-event-kbd

This way, only the device that produces that link will have caps2esc applied.

A more involved configuration may need to combine (or just observe) the input of two devices to make decisions. That's where the mux tool comes at hand:

- CMD: mux -c caps2esc
- JOB: mux -i caps2esc | caps2esc | uinput -c /etc/interception/gaming-keyboard.yaml
- JOB: intercept -g $DEVNODE | mux -o caps2esc
    LINK: /dev/input/by-id/usb-SEMITEK_USB-HID_Gaming_Keyboard_SN0000000001-event-kbd
- JOB: intercept $DEVNODE | mux -o caps2esc
    LINK: /dev/input/by-id/usb-Logitech_USB_Receiver-if02-event-mouse

The mux tool serves to combine multiple pipelines into one. A muxer first needs to be created with a name in a CMD (differently from JOBs, CMDs are executed sequentially when the service starts and are waited for successful termination). The muxer can then be used from multiple pipelines as an output or as the input of a given pipeline. After the muxer creation, a standalone job not associated with any device (which makes it just a command executed when udevmon starts, but not waited for) is launched to consume the muxer and pass what arrives from it to caps2esc and, finally, to the virtual device created from gaming-keyboard.yaml (see caveats section on device links).

In the example above, when the keyboard is connected, it's grabbed and its input events are sent to the “caps2esc” muxer that was initially created. Observed input (not grabbed) from mouse is also sent to the same muxer. The buttons of the mouse generate EV_KEY events, so caps2esc will accept them, making “Caps Lock + Click” work as “Control + Click”.

As in this case the final target cloned device clones the keyboard, not a mouse, if mouse events reach it from muxing multiple pipelines, they won't be reproduced, hence not duplicating the observed mouse events.

If a device happens to match multiple job descriptions, only the first job that matches gets executed. This allows for device specific jobs, while still having fallback configurations:

- JOB: intercept -g $DEVNODE | caps2esc -m 2 | uinput -d $DEVNODE
    LINK: /dev/input/by-id/usb-SEMITEK_USB-HID_Gaming_Keyboard_SN0000000001-event-kbd
- JOB: intercept -g $DEVNODE | caps2esc | uinput -d $DEVNODE
    LINK: .*-event-kbd

In the above example, if an attached keyboard produces the given link, caps2esc -m 2 will be applied to it, otherwise, caps2esc in default mode will be applied (if the keyboard has both KEY_CAPSLOCK and KEY_ESC and a device link that ends with -event-kbd, to exclude mice that report those keys). Also, note that configuration files found on /etc/interception/udevmon.d/ are read first, so you can have device specific configurations there, and fallbacks on /etc/interception/udevmon.yaml.

Besides combining pipelines, the mux tool can duplicate them (multiple -os) and even act as a switch, based on activity in other pipelines (-i and -o intermixed). Which brings us to our lasting, slightly complex, use case:

Let's imagine the following setup:

  • You want to grab keyboards (here after referred as K) and mice (M) and combine input coming from these two groups into KM, to apply multi device chording
  • You have a generic filter (caps2esc) you want to apply to combined keyboard/mouse input
  • But when you're using some specific keyboards (X), you want the combined input (XM) to go through a different filter (caps2esc -m 2)


- CMD: mux -c K -c X -c M -c KM -c XM -c H
- JOB:
    - mux -i M | mux -o KM -i K -o KM -i X -o XM
    - mux -i KM | caps2esc | mux -o H
    - mux -i XM | caps2esc -m 2 | mux -o H
    - mux -i H | uinput -c /etc/interception/hybrid.yaml
- JOB: intercept -g $DEVNODE | mux -o X -o XM
    LINK: /dev/input/by-id/usb-SEMITEK_USB-HID_Gaming_Keyboard_SN0000000001-event-kbd
- JOB: intercept -g $DEVNODE | mux -o M
- JOB: intercept -g $DEVNODE | mux -o K -o KM
    NAME: .*[Kk]eyboard.*
    LINK: .*-event-kbd

Don't be afraid as it's pretty simple to break it down.

First, as can be seen, at the bottom we have device detection for three device groups (as modeled previously).

The keyboard events are consumed and duplicated out, this happens so that consumption of these events can happen in parallel both for purposes of checking there's activity in a particular group (mux -o K … and mux -o X …), as for the final consumption of keyboard and mouse events muxed together (mux … -o KM and mux … -o XM).

The mouse events are consumed and sent to the M muxer for further processing.

Notice that when multiple devices match a given device job description, a job instance per device will run, so, consuming a muxer (mux … -i …) from device jobs would create a race condition of multiple job instances competing for the same events of a given muxer. That's why, here, device jobs solely write to muxers (mux -o), which is fine for muxing the events of all matching devices into a single stream, but the reading of a muxer only happens in standalone jobs, for which there's only one instance running for its consumption. Also, muxer writing doesn't implicate in any problem in case the device disconnects and its job gets dropped. Dropping a pipeline in reading state ends up leading to muxer corruption, while standalone jobs only finish when the udevmon service is stopped.

On mux -i M | mux -o KM -i K -o KM -i X -o XM we get to the core of the design. Here M is consumed and gets redirected either to KM, if there's activity in K (-i K -o KM), or XM, if there's activity in X (-i X -o XM). The first -o KM makes KM the default route for input coming from M (in case no activity ever happens in K or X).

In the end we only have KM and XM to consume input from, as we have that input from group K goes to KM, input from group X goes to XM, and input from group M goes either to KM or XM.

For KM then we apply caps2esc, but for XM we apply caps2esc -m 2. And regardless the route that input goes through, we send it to the final H endpoint, which gets consumed by a hybrid virtual device (e.g. sudo uinput -p -d /dev/input/by-id/usb-Logitech_USB_Receiver-if02-event-mouse -d /dev/input/by-id/usb-SEMITEK_USB-HID_Gaming_Keyboard_SN0000000001-event-kbd | sudo tee /etc/interception/hybrid.yaml).

As a final note on the mux tool in switch mode, mux -i e | mux -o o -i i would redirect e to o by default, but once there's activity in i, e is redirected to nowhere. And if you have mux -i e | mux -i i -o o, as there isn't any default output, e gets redirected to o only after first detected activity in i.

Besides that, you can have -i x -i y -i etc -o z to redirect to z out of activity either from x, y or etc and you can have -i x -o y -o z -o etc to redirect to y, z and etc out of x activity. Both aspects can be combined in -i w -i x -o y -o z.

The “full” YAML based spec is as follows:

SHELL:              LA
- CMD:              S | LS
- JOB:              S | LS
    LINK:           R
    NAME:           R
    LOCATION:       R
    PRODUCT:        R
    VENDOR:         R
    BUSTYPE:        R
      EV_KEY:       LE
      EV_REL:       LE


  • LA: shell replacement, like [zsh, -c], default is [sh, -c].
  • S | LS : shell command string, or a list of shell command strings.
  • R: regular expression string.
  • LP: list of any properties or set of properties (by name or code), the device can have.
  • LE: list of any events or set of events (by name or code), of a given type, that the device can produce.
  • The regular expression grammar supported is Modified ECMAScript.
  • There can be any number of jobs.
  • An empty event list means the device should respond to whatever event of the given event type.
  • Property names and event types and names are taken from <linux/input-event-codes.h>.

Plugin Guidelines

Correct synthesization of event sequences

A plugin that's going to synthesize event sequences programmatically (not the case for simple key swapping, like x2y above), for keyboard at least, is required to provide EV_SYN events and a short delay (to have different event timestamps), between key events. This is what happens when you type on a real keyboard, and has been proved necessary for applications to behave well. As a general guideline, one should explore how real devices behave while generating events (with evtest for example) for mimicking them with success.


Correct process priority

Always use a high process priority (low niceness level, udevmon.service uses -20) when executing tools that manipulate input, otherwise you may get unwanted effects. Without Interception Tools, your input is treated with high priority at kernel level, and you should try to resemble that now on user mode, which is the level where the tools run.

Hybrid device configurations

Note that hybrid devices may not always work.

For example, on my PC, merging my mouse and keyboard into a single device does create a working hybrid device that can respond for all their events, but on an old laptop, merging the built-in i8042 keyboard and i8042 touchpad created a non-working hybrid that can only respond for the touchpad's events (it seems EV_ABS and keyboard EV_KEYs didn't work together in this machine). To fix that I stored the configurations in different files, and checked they didn't respond for any identical events. Then I used these two as virtual output for the same muxed stream of events, but given that the virtual devices don't respond for the same events, these don't get duplicated but instead effectively get split from a single stream into their relevant virtual devices:

- CMD: mux -c caps2esc -c keyboard -c mouse
- JOB:
    - mux -i caps2esc | caps2esc | mux -o keyboard -o mouse
    - mux -i keyboard | uinput -c /etc/interception/keyboard.yaml
    - mux -i mouse | uinput -c /etc/interception/mouse.yaml
- JOB: intercept -g $DEVNODE | mux -o caps2esc
    NAME: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard
- JOB: intercept -g $DEVNODE | mux -o caps2esc
    NAME: ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad

Device links

Depending on the system, device links (by-id, by-path, etc) may not exist at all, or not be readily available when the machine boots, which may make it unreliable to refer to them on standalone jobs which execute when udevmon starts on boot. It's safe to refer to them on device jobs, as these only start when the link actually becomes present.

Hence, on standalone jobs it's generally better practice to refer to previously stored YAML device configurations instead.

On a machine that produce links, referring to them on standalone jobs may or may not work on boot. You may verify that by rebooting and checking whether udevmon give errors on boot or not.

Software Alternatives


Interception Tools is dual-licensed.

To be embedded and redistributed as part of a proprietary solution, contact me at for commercial licensing, otherwise it's under


Copyright © 2017 Francisco Lopes da Silva


A minimal composable infrastructure on top of libudev and libevdev. Mirror for







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