This project was built as my capstone for the ROR curriculum of the Microverse software development school. It is a fullstack project built using the rails framework. Basically a user can sign up on the platform, and give opinions and like others opinions. Users can also follow and unfollow other users.
- Ruby 2.7 and Rails 6.0.3
- Bootstrap 4
- Deployed on Heroku
To get a local copy up and running follow these steps:
- Ruby: 2.7
- Rails: 6.0.3
- SQLite
- Git
- Fork/Clone this project to your local machine and checkout to required branch:
git clone
cd freedom
bundle install
Setup database with:
yarn install --check-files
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
Start server with:
rails server
bundle exec rspec --format documentation
(Note that to run the test, you will need to have chrome browser installed on your computer)
The project was depolyed to heroku. If you set up AWS S3 for active storage and want to deploy your own copy to heroku, then you will need to allow heroku access the encrypted API keys by running
heroku config:set RAILS_MASTER_KEY= <master.key>
(The master key can be found in the /config/master.key
👤 Muhammad Fahad Umer
- Github: @MFahadUmer
- Twitter: @engfahadumer
- Linkedin: linkedin
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page
Start by:
- Forking the project
- Cloning the project to your local machine
into the project directory- Run
git checkout -b your-branch-name.
- Make your contributions
- Push your branch up to your forked repository
- Open a Pull Request with a detailed description of the development(or master if not available) branch of the original project for a review
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Microverse
- Gregoire Vella for the design.
This project is MIT licensed with the exception of the design, which is under the Creative Commons License and attributed to Gregoire Vella.