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Amplicon Pipeline

Run the amplicon pipeline with all tools installed inside a Docker container. Your data and the reference databases live outside the container in a directory that is "mounted" into the container at execution time. The pipeline is implemented with Common Workflow Language (CWL), allowing execution with a variety of execution platforms (see


  • docker

To obtain docker got to

Setup and run example

  1. git clone

Change into cloned repository:

  1. cd amplicon

Download reference databases:

  1. ./

or from within the container

docker run -v `pwd`:/amplicon -ti --rm --entrypoint bash --workdir /amplicon mgrast/amplicon:latest

Change into the newly created Data directory:

  1. cd Data

This will be your working directory. Copy or move your sequence files into this directory and rename them to R1.fastq.gz and R2.fastq.gz For example:

  1. cp your_path/ your_sequence_files.R1.fastq.gz > R1.fastq.gz

  2. cp your_path/ your_sequence_files.R2.fastq.gz > R2.fastq.gz

  3. docker run -v `pwd`:/Data mgrast/tap:latest


TAP Workflow Overview