Performs genotyping, diplotype identification, phenotyping, and reporting
Warning/Disclaimer: The code and data are provided without warranty and the user accepts all risk and responsibility for testing and validating use of lmPGX in their own environment. lmPGX is not FDA approved, nor has approval been sought from the FDA.
From the src directory:
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
lmPGX requires the following:
- python3 (tested with v3.6.5)
- GATK4 (tested with GATK4.0.3.0)
- dbsnp VCF file (All_YYYYMMDD.vcf.gz)
- java (tested with 1.8.0)
- picard (tested with 2.18.3)
- CYP2D6 genotype TSV file (containing the header: Sample\tGenotype\tFilter) generated by Cyrius or a similar tool
Update the paths to these tools/resources in lib/config.yml, as well as the other paths specified by lib/config.yml (reference FASTA file and GATK temp out directory). It's best to update all paths in lib/config.yml to be absolute paths. The path for cyp2d6_gt_to_pheno file will be where the cyp2d6_gt_to_pheno file will be generated by the script. This gt_to_pheno file will then be used by the PGx pipeline.
activate Python venv source env/bin/activate
Generate the genotype to phenotype file for CYP2D6 using the CYP2D6 genotype TSV file
python3 src/ CYP2D6_genotype_file.tsv lib/config.yml
Run the PGx pipeline
python3 src/ -b BAM/CRAM -s SAMPLE_ID -o OUTDIR -c lib/config.yml
Example files can be found here: