This is a REST API implemented with Express / MongoDB / Google API / Passport.
The problem that this app solves? At work I am required to create templates on google drive, update the placeholders and download a pdf with the updated version... Too much right? I decided to write an app that automates this process for me 🧠
IMPORTANT NOTE 1: The frontend of this web app can be found here.
⚡️ Cookie session
⚡️ Google Auth 2.0
⚡️ Protected routes
⚡️ Algorithms and Data Structures implemented
⚡️ Error management
⚡️ Deployed on Heroku
To view this webpage, click here
- Express - Backend framework for web applications
- MongoDB - NoSQL database
- Goodle API - programmatic interfaces to Google Cloud Platform services
- Algorithms and Data Structures - High performance string recognition algo
- Heroku - a Cloud platform as a service supporting several programming languages
- DataDrive - Frontend github repository
I was motivated to build this project because I wanted to speed up my work's pipeline. I work as a technology coordinator and I am required to create and share a lot of pdf files that most of the time come from a "premade template". I thought it was going to be cool to automate this process and use it for my daily work. ⚡️