-> Basic Expense Tracking app
-> In HUD, 2 elements (Current savings, Reset Button (resets all slots values) )
-> Currently consists of 4 slots which you can customize how much money you want to put in for particular thing in your life
->-> Each slot has 5 elements --
1. Item name (particular thing/category to put some portion of your salary. Eg. Family, Food, etc.)
2. Item value (amount you want to limit from your salary)
3. Edit button on Item body click (To edit existing Item name & value)
4. Deduct button (Everytime you spend, you use this to update your slot value)
5. Add button (Add value, useful when you are adjusting budget allocation)
-> On confirming Edit & Deduct/Add changes, it updates Savings value(in HUD) which is your current savings.