Geo-Harvester is a python CLI application for harvesting, normalizing, and writing GIS and geospatial metadata, with a focus on providing this metadata for TIMDEX.
At a high level, this is accomplished by:
- fetching metadata records generated by MIT (S3) or from OpenGeoMetadata (OGM) repositories (Github)
- normalize this metadata to the Aardvark metadata format
- based on normalized metadata, sending EventBridge events for other applications to potentially move and copy data
- To install with dev dependencies:
make install
- To update dependencies:
make update
- To run unit tests:
make test
- To lint the repo:
make lint
- To run the app:
pipenv run harvester --help
SENTRY_DSN=### If set to a valid Sentry DSN, enables Sentry exception monitoring. This is not needed for local development.
WORKSPACE=### Set to `dev` for local development, this will be set to `stage` and `prod` in those environments by Terraform.
S3_RESTRICTED_CDN_ROOT=### S3 bucket + prefix for CDN restricted, e.g. 's3://<bucket>/path/to/restricted'
S3_PUBLIC_CDN_ROOT=### S3 bucket + prefix for CDN public, e.g. 's3://<bucket>/path/to/public'
S3_TIMDEX_ALMA=### S3 bucket + prefix for previously extracted Alma source records, e.g. 's3://<timdex-extract-bucket>/alma'
GEOHARVESTER_SQS_TOPIC_NAME=### default value for CLI argument --sqs-topic-name
OGM_CONFIG_FILEPATH=### optional location for OGM configuration YAML
OGM_CLONE_ROOT_URL=### optional base URL or filepath for where to clone OGM repositories from
OGM_CLONE_ROOT_DIR=### optional location for where cloned repositories are saved locally
All CLI commands can be run with pipenv run <COMMAND>
Root harvester command that other sub-commands extend.
-v, --verbose Pass to log at debug level instead of info.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
harvest Harvest command with sub-commands for different sources.
ping Debug ping/pong command
Usage: -c ping [OPTIONS]
Debug ping/pong command.
This command is purely for debugging purposes to ensure docker container
and/or application is functional and responsive before any meaningful
business logic.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Base command for harvests. Expecting sub-command mit
or ogm
Usage: -c harvest [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Harvest command with sub-commands for different sources.
-t, --harvest-type [full|incremental]
Type of harvest, may be: 'incremental' or
-f, --from-date TEXT filter for files modified on or after this
date; format YYYY-MM-DD.
-u, --until-date TEXT filter for files modified before this date;
format YYYY-MM-DD.
-o, --output-file TEXT Filepath to write single, combined JSONLines
file of normalized MITAardvark metadata for
ALL harvested records. This is the expected
format for the TIMDEX pipeline.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
mit Harvest and normalize MIT geospatial metadata records.
ogm Harvest and normalize OpenGeoMetadata (OGM) geospatial metadata...
Usage: -c harvest mit [OPTIONS]
Harvest and normalize MIT geospatial metadata records.
-i, --input-files TEXT Directory location of source record zip
files (may be local or s3). Defaults to env
var S3_RESTRICTED_CDN_ROOT if not set.
-osd, --output-source-directory TEXT
Directory to write source metadata for EACH
harvested record file with naming convention
Defaults to env var S3_PUBLIC_CDN_ROOT if
not set.
-ond, --output-normalized-directory TEXT
Directory to write normalized MITAardvark
metadata for EACH harvested record file with
naming convention
Defaults to env var S3_PUBLIC_CDN_ROOT if
not set.
-s, --sqs-topic-name TEXT SQS topic name with messages capturing zip
file modifications. Defaults to env var
--preserve-sqs-messages If set, SQS messages will remain in the
queue after incremental harvest.
--skip-eventbridge-events If set, will skip sending EventBridge events
to manage files in CDN.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: -c harvest ogm [OPTIONS]
Harvest and normalize OpenGeoMetadata (OGM) geospatial metadata records.
--include-repositories TEXT If set, limit to only these comma seperated
list of repositories for harvest.
--exclude-repositories TEXT If set, exclude these comma seperated list of
repositories from harvest.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.