A traditional web application for vehicle service reservation with a focus on security, authentication, and access control. This Web application is focused on mitigating the OWAPS top 10 vulnerabilities, mostly focusing on Broken Access Control, SQL Injection, and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). Also, user authentication and access control have been implemented using OIDC protocols with a cloud-based Identity Provider (IDP), Asgardeo.
Download the project as a Zip
Extract it to your workplace
Open the project using an IDE that supports dynamic web application development such as Eclipse.
Go to the src->main->webapp->WEB-INF->classes->application.properties and update with your credintials. (You must have an Asgardeo account with an application and at least one user)
Check whether the required jars are available in the lib folder. (json-simple and mysql-connector jars).
If not download them and configure them to the project.
Run the index.jsp as the entry point on the Tomcat server (If you are not familiar with the Tomcat server refer to the below YouTube tutorial for better understanding)