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CalDav broker for MagicMirror

Concept & Motivation

Some CalDAV server doesn't provide ICAL format, so it cannot be used on MM's calendar modules.

This module enables to convert your CalDAV calendar data into popular ICAL(.ics) file. Converted ICAL output is hosted on MM itself.

For previous users: ~2.0 is newly rebuilt from scratch. You may need a new installation and configuration.


cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone
cd MMM-CalDav
npm install


Before update, backup your .env file into somewhere safe.

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-CalDAV
git pull
npm update


You have to read .env and Preparation Section also.

  module: "MMM-CalDAV", // This module works in background, so `position` is not needed.
  config: {
    timeRangeStart: -30, // Get events from 30 days before
    servers: [
      { // example of icloud or basic auth
        envPrefix: "ICLOUD_", // prefix for identifying each server
        serverUrl: "", // Ask to your CALDAV provider
        targets: [
          { displayName: "Family" },
          { displayName: "Home", icsName: "home_calendar" },
      { // example of Google Calendar.
        envPrefix: "GOOGLE_",
        serverUrl: "",
        authMethod: 'Oauth',
        targets: [],
        updateInterval: 1000 * 60 * 30,
      { // example of synology contacts
        envPrefix: "SYNOLOGY_",
        serverUrl: ""
        targets: [ "Team Contacts", "Partners"]
  • event

Then it will provide the ICAL URL like;


The Generated URL will have a sanitized-safe filename/url. For example the calendar name 회사 will be converted to _ED_9A_8C_EC_82_AC. So It's better to use icsName to avoid it and to get an easier name if you are a non-English user.

Each calendar would prepend envPrefix in the front of the filename to distinguish each other easily. (like ICLOUD_xxx.ics)

You can use the URL as a feed of the calendar module(e.g. default calendar module)

  module: "calendar",
  position: "top_left",
  config: {
    servers: [
        symbol: "calendar-check",
        url: "http://localhost:8080/CALDAV/ICLOUD_Family.ics",
        auth: { // REQUIRED
          user: 'username1', // DEFINED in .env file.
          pass: 'password1',
          method: 'basic'

The real extracted & parsed result will be stored under modules/MMM-CalDAV/service as a hidden .ics file. If you need to reset the previously stored data, just delete them there.

Config options


Field Default Description
servers [] REQUIRED Array of CalDAV server
updateInterval 900000 (ms) Interval to rescan and update the result.
Default value is 15 minutes.
timeRangeStart -365 (days) Get the events before these days from today.
timeRangeEnd 365 (days) Get the events until these days since today.
  • updateInterval, timeRangeStart, timeRangeEnd could be overridden in each server.
  • timeRangeStart and timeRangeEnd will be ignored in accountType: 'carddav'.

Server (for CALDAV)

Field Default Description
accountType 'caldav' REQUIRED To retrieve normal calendar events.
envPrefix 'DEFAULT_' REQUIRED To match .env variables, each server should have unique one.
serverUrl '' REQUIRED CalDAV service url of the server.
authMethod 'Basic' For Google Calendar, use 'Oauth'
timeRangeStart config value You can override speicfic days for this server.
timeRangeEnd config value You can override speicfic days for this server.
updateInterval config value You can override the specific interval for this server.

Server (for CARDDAV - Birthday calendar from contacts/address book)

Field Default Description
accountType 'carddav' IMPORTANT/REQUIRED To get birthday events from addressbook.
envPrefix 'DEFAULT_' REQUIRED To match .env variables, each server should have unique one.
serverUrl '' REQUIRED CardDAV service url of the server. It may different with CalDAV endpoint.
authMethod 'Basic' For Google Calendar, use 'Oauth'
updateInterval config value You can override the specific interval for this server.
targets [] (Array of string/object) addressBook filter by its name. [] would be all addressBooks.

There would be more properties, but 99.99% of users would not need them.

targets array

targets: [ ... ] array could have string(the name of calendar/addressBook) or object(A pair of original calendar/addressBook name and the result ics name)

envPrefix: 'SOME_', // for example.

targets: [ "Family", "Work" ], // Get events from "Family" and "Work" calendar/addressBook then will serve them as "SOME_Family.ics" and "SOME_Work.ics"
// or
targets: [
  { displayName: "Family", icsName: "private" }, // Get events from "Family" calendar/addressBook then will serve them as "SOME_private.ics"
  { displayName: "Work", icsName: "company" }, // Get events from "Work" calendar/addressBook then will serve them as "Some_company.ics"


targets: [], // Get events from all calendars/addressBooks then will serve them as "SOME_ORIGINALNAME.ics"

Some CardDAV provider doesn't support displayName. in that case, the birthday calendar of that will be served as "SOME_untitled.ics"

The birthday list from Google is already possible by natural. So, you don't care about CardDAV of Google. Seek a calendar which has Birthdays as displayName in your result.

.env & Preparation

For the security issue, this module is using .env file to store some secret data.

Open .env file in module directory. (If not exists, copy one from env.example) Remove # from a line commented-out you need.




  • CALDAV_SERVICE_USERNAME : Used for generated .ics auth in the calendar parser.
  • CALDAV_SERVICE_PASSWORD : Used for generated .ics auth in the calendar parser
// default calendar module.
  module: "calendar",
  position: "top_left",
  config: {
    calendars: [
        symbol: "calendar-check",
        url: "http://localhost:8080/CALDAV/ICLOUD_Family.ics",
        auth: { // REQUIRED
          user: 'username1', // <= used here
          pass: 'password1', // <= used here
          method: 'basic'

For Apple (ICLOUD) calendar

You need app-specific password to use this module. Read this

# .env
// MMM-CalDAV config in config.js
config: {
  servers: [
      envPrefix: 'ICLOUD_', // prefix for identifying each server
      serverUrl: '', // for normal calendar

For Apple (ICLOUD) birthdays

config: {
  servers: [
      accountType: 'carddav',
      envPrefix: "ICLOUD_", // prefix for identifying server. You can share this with iCloud CalDav
      serverUrl: '', // for birthday list

For Yahoo calendar

You need third-party app password. Here Then rest setup would be similar to Apple.

Yahoo doesn't support CardDAV anymore.

For FastMail

For General CalDAV servers using basic Auth (e.g. Synology NAS, NextCloud, ...)

  • serverUrl: Ask to the system admin or user manual. Then rest setup would be similar to Apple.

For Google calendar

Google request OAuth2 authentification to use the calendar data.

  1. Go to Google Dev console.

  2. Create a new project or select existing project.

  3. MENU > APIs & Services > Library; Search CalDAV API then enaable API for your project.

  4. MENU > APIs & Services > credentials; Create a credentials(OAuth Client Id for Desktop app)

  5. Only you need is Client ID and Client Secret, just remember them. All other properties or options are not so important. (You may have to register the user who will use this module for his/her calendars in Testing status)

  6. Fill the below values;

# .env



For AUTH_authHost and AUTH_authPort, you don't have to modify these values generally. These values will be used in google_auth.js

You have to fill XXXX_username, XXXX_clientId, XXXX_clientSecret with your previous preparation for Google OAuth. and you don't need to fill refreshToken at this moment. In this example, GOOGLE_ is used as server prefix.

  1. Then, execute google_auth.js
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-CalDAV
node google_auth.js GOOGLE_

You are using GOOGLE_ as server environment prefix, so add it as a parameter.

It will open a browser, then start authentification. After authentification, you can get refreshToken, Fill that into your .env file.

% node google_auth.js GOOGLE_

Server listening on http://localhost:3000, When the browser is not opened, open it manually
Your refresh token is: "1//09AbCdEfGh30tCgYIARAAGAkSNwF-L9IrUHWoAvpHPzQ_LYybJZbo8pjG_oCdfWc33lu5alklJgeUWLAfCCRhbCfa7IgAbCdEfGh"
Please add it to your .env file as "GOOGLE_refreshToken".
  1. Fill remaining refreshToken value.
# .env


  1. Then you can configure your module config like this;
// MMM-CalDAV config in config.js
config: {
  servers: [
      envPrefix: "GOOGLE_", // prefix for identifying each server
      serverUrl: "",
			authMethod: 'Oauth', // <= IMPORTANT

Thankfully, Google provide Birthday of contacts as calendar by default. You can find Birthdays calendar in the result. Or specify it with displayName:'Birthdays'

Multi servers.

You can add more servers. Just keep the prefixes.

# .env

// MMM-CalDAV config
servers: [
    envPrefix: "SERVER1_",
    serverUrl: "",
    envPrefix: "SERVER2_",
    serverUrl: "",

Not a bug but,...

  • Connecting to CalDAV server and getting calendar data might take some time. So on the first bootup after installation of this module, the calendar module could not load any data. Please wait a while for the next updating cycle. After the first ICAL file, the events will be reflected on the next calendar's update time regardless of rebooting.
  • I have not tested all the possible CalDAV servers. So if you can find any issue on the various CalDAVs, feel free to make a PR for it.
  • For the purpose of this module, the generated .ics is designed to be hidden and not accessible without auth intentionally. You should use CALDAV_SERVER_USERNAME and CALDAV_SERVER_PASSWORD with Basic auth to access that URL.
  • If the name of generated .ics is duplicated, it will be overwritten. Separate them with icsName by manual.
  • At this moment, all address books will be retrieved. Filtering is not supported. (I need help to get real examples to know the multi-addressbooks structure.)


2.1.0 (2023-12-29)

  • Birthday calendar enabled. (CardDAV implementation)
  • Some code refactoring.
  • calendars: [], is changed to targets: []. you have to reconfigure your config.js

2.0.0 (2023-10-25)

  • Newly rebuilt from scratch
  • OAUTH supported (For Google Calendar)
  • Multi calendars/servers in one module.
  • More secure and efficiently

1.0.0 (2021-09-29)

  • released




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