Deno Wrapper to communicate with Steam Web API
Please refer to or to find the user steam id.
You can get your api key on
import Steam from "";
const steam = new Steam("your api key");
It takes an optional parameter of type Options, and returns a Promise of type App[].
const apps = await steam.GetAppList().catch(console.error); console.log(apps); /* Output: [ { appid: 2016512, name: "" }, { appid: 2025850, name: "X Wars Deluxe - Line Effect DLC" }, { appid: 2026000, name: "Our Adventurer Guild" }, { appid: 2026020, name: "The Alchemist" }, { appid: 2026030, name: "twenty, in total" }, { appid: 2026070, name: "Tank Commander" }, ...more items ] */
This function returns a list of servers that are running on the specified IPaddress.
- @param {string!} - The IP address of the server.
- @param {GetServersAtAddressOptions?} - Options
- @returns An array of Server.
const servers = await steam.GetServersAtAddress("").catch(console.error); console.log(servers); /* Output: [ { addr: "", gmsindex: -1, steamid: "85568392924437989", appid: 730, gamedir: "csgo", region: 0, secure: true, lan: false, gameport: 27015, specport: 0 } ] */
This function returns an array of News, which are the news items for the specifiedappid.
- @param {number!} - The appid of the game you want to get news for.
- @param {GetNewsForAppOptions?} [options] - GetNewsForAppOptions
- @returns An array of News.
const news = await steam.GetNewsForApp(440, { count: 1 }).catch(console.error); console.log(news); /* Output: [ { gid: "4474904295729829044", title: "CS:GO fans want to change the meta by making the M4A1-S pricier", url: " Loadout/4474904295729829044", is_external_url: true, author: "", contents: '<img width="900" height="507" src="', feedlabel: "The Loadout", date: 1655990548, feedname: "The Loadout", feed_type: 0, appid: 730 } ] */
It gets the global achievement percentages for a specific game.
- @param {number!} - The game's appid.
- @param {Options?} - Options
- @returns An array of Achievement.
const GlobalAchievementPercentages = await steam.GetGlobalAchievementPercentagesForApp(440).catch(console.error); console.log(GlobalAchievementPercentages); /* Output: [ { name: "GIVE_DAMAGE_LOW", percent: 67 }, { name: "KILL_ENEMY_RELOADING", percent: 66.5 }, { name: "UNSTOPPABLE_FORCE", percent: 66.19999694824219 }, { name: "KILL_ENEMY_LOW", percent: 64.69999694824219 }, { name: "WIN_ROUNDS_LOW", percent: 63.900001525878906 }, { name: "IMMOVABLE_OBJECT", percent: 62 }, { name: "EARN_MONEY_LOW", percent: 61.400001525878906 }, { name: "KILL_SNIPER_WITH_SNIPER", percent: 60.5 }, ... 67 more items ] */
GetPlayerSummaries returns a list of player summaries for the given steamids.
- @param {string[] | string!} - Steam ID or array of steam ID's
- @param {Options?} - Options
- @returns a promise that resolves to an array of Player objects or a single Player object.
const player = await steam.GetPlayerSummaries("steam ID").catc(console.error); console.log(player); /* Output: { steamid: "steam ID", communityvisibilitystate: 3, profilestate: 1, personaname: "Name", ... } */
const players = await steam.GetPlayerSummaries(["steam ID1", "steam ID2"]).catc(console.error); console.log(players); /* Output: [ { steamid: "steam ID1", communityvisibilitystate: 3, profilestate: 1, personaname: "Name1", ... }, { steamid: "steam ID2", communityvisibilitystate: 3, profilestate: 1, personaname: "Name2", ... } ] */
It takes a steamid, a relationship, and an optional options object, and returns a promise that resolves to an array of Friend.
@param {string!} - The SteamID of the user you want to get the friend list of.
@param {RelationShip!} - RelationShip
@param {Options?} - Options
@returns An array of Friend.
const friends = await steam.GetFriendList("steam ID", "all" }).catch(console.error); console.log(friends); /* Output: [ { steamid: "steam ID", relationship: "friend", friend_since: 1562700502 }, ... more items ] */
This function returns an array of PlayerAchievement objects, which contain the achievement name, achievement description, and whether or not the player has unlocked the achievement.
@param {string!} - The SteamID of the user you want to get the achievements for.
@param {number!} - The appid of the game you want to get the achievements for.
@param {PlayerAchievementsOptions?} - PlayerAchievementsOptions
@returns An array of PlayerAchievement.
const PlayerAchievements = await steam.GetPlayerAchievements("steam ID", 730).catch(console.error); console.log(PlayerAchievements); /* Output: [ { apiname: "WIN_BOMB_PLANT", achieved: 1, unlocktime: 1390843147 }, { apiname: "BOMB_PLANT_LOW", achieved: 1, unlocktime: 1412790573 }, { apiname: "WIN_MAP_DE_SHORTTRAIN", achieved: 1, unlocktime: 1405868543 }, { apiname: "KILL_WHILE_IN_AIR", achieved: 1, unlocktime: 1355877421 }, { apiname: "KILL_ENEMY_IN_AIR", achieved: 1, unlocktime: 1357241363 }, { apiname: "KILLER_AND_ENEMY_IN_AIR", achieved: 0, unlocktime: 0 }, ... 67 more items ] */
GetUserStatsForGame() is a function that takes in a steamid and an appid and returns a PlayerStats.
@param {string} steamid - The SteamID of the user.
@param {number} appid - The appid of the game you want to get the stats for.
@param {UserStatsForGameOptions} [options] - UserStatsForGameOptions
@returns The response is a JSON object that contains a PlayerStats.
const UserStats = await steam.GetUserStatsForGame("steam ID", 730).catch(console.error); console.log(UserStats); /* Output: { steamID: "Steam ID", gameName: "Game Name", stats: [ { name: "total_kills", value: 60158 }, { name: "total_deaths", value: 61406 }, { name: "total_time_played", value: 4902023 }, ... more items ], achievements: [ { name: "WIN_BOMB_PLANT", achieved: 1 }, { name: "BOMB_PLANT_LOW", achieved: 1 }, ... more items ] } */
This function returns the number of players currently playing the game with the specified appid.
@param {number} appid - number - The appid of the game you want to get the number of current
players for.
@param {Options} - Options
@returns The number of players currently playing the game.
const NumberOfCurrentPlayers = await steam.GetNumberOfCurrentPlayers(730).catch(console.error); console.log(NumberOfCurrentPlayers); /* Output: 453905 */
This function takes a steamid and an optional OwnedGamesOptions object and returns a promise that resolves to an OwnedGames object.
@param {string} - string - The SteamID of the user to retrieve the owned games for.
@param {OwnedGamesOptions} - OwnedGamesOptions
@returns The response is a OwnedGames.
const Games = await steam.GetOwnedGames("steam ID").catch(console.error); console.log(Games); /* Output: { game_count: 1, games: [ { appid: 10, playtime_forever: 39, playtime_windows_forever: 0, playtime_mac_forever: 0, playtime_linux_forever: 0 } ] } */
It takes a steamid and an optional object of options and returns a promise of a RecentlyPlayedGames object.
@param {string} - The SteamID of the user to get recently played games for.
@param {RecentlyPlayedGamesOptions} - RecentlyPlayedGamesOptions
@returns An object RecentlyPlayedGames
const Games = await steam.GetRecentlyPlayedGames("steam ID").catch(console.error); console.log(Games); /* Output: { total_count: 1, games: [ { appid: game ID, name: "Game name", playtime_2weeks: 875, playtime_forever: 135059, img_icon_url: "9ad6dd3d173523355438595g5sb5fb2af87639c4163", playtime_windows_forever: 60292, playtime_mac_forever: 0, playtime_linux_forever: 49 } ] } */
{ key?: string; // Steam API Key /** * init for fetch @see */ requestInit?: RequestInit; }
"all" | "friend"
BaseOptions & { gmsindex?: number; // Gives the gmsindex. appid?: number; // Gives the steam game appid. gamedir?: string; // Tells which directory the game is from. region?: number; // Gives the region of the server. secure?: boolean; // Boolean, if server is secure or not. lan?: boolean; // Boolean, if server is a lan game. gameport?: number; // Gives the port number for the server. specport?: number; // Gives the specport. }
BaseOptions & { count?: number; // How many news enties you want to get returned. maxlength?: number; // Maximum length of each news entry. }
BaseOptions & { L?: string; // Language. If specified, it will return language data for the requested language. }
Same as PlayerAchievementsOptions
BaseOptions & { include_appinfo?: boolean; include_played_free_games?: boolean; appids_filter?: number[]; }
BaseOptions & { count?: number; }
depends on:
- GetServersAtAddressOptions
- GetNewsForAppOptions
- UserStatsForGameOptions
- OwnedGamesOptions
- RecentlyPlayedGamesOptions
- RelationShip
GetServersAtAddressOptions & GetNewsForAppOptions & UserStatsForGameOptions & OwnedGamesOptions & RecentlyPlayedGamesOptions & { addr?: string; appid?: number; gameid?: number; steamids?: string[]; steamid?: string; relationship?: RelationShip; lang?: string; }
{ appid: number; name: string; }
{ addr: string; gmsindex: number; steamid: string appid: number; gamedir: string; region: number; secure: boolean; lan: boolean; gameport: number; specport: number; }
{ gid: string; title: string; url: string; is_external_url: boolean; author: string; contents: string; feedlabel: string; date: number; feedname: string; feed_type: number; appid: number; }
{ name: string; percent: number; }
{ steamid: string; communityvisibilitystate: number; profilestate: number; personaname: string; profileurl: string; avatar: string; avatarmedium: string; avatarfull: string; avatarhash: string; lastlogoff: number; personastate: 1; realname: string; primaryclanid: string; timecreated: number; personastateflags: 0; loccountrycode: string; }
{ steamid: string; relationship: string; friend_since: number; }
{ apiname: string; achieved: number; unlocktime: number; }
{ name: string; value: number; }
depends on Stat
{ steamID: string; gameName: string; stats: Stat[]; achievements: { name: string; achieved: number; }; }
{ appid: number; playtime_forever: number; playtime_windows_forever: number; playtime_mac_forever: number; playtime_linux_forever: number; }
depends on OwnedGame
{ game_count: number; game: OwnedGame[]; }
{ appid: number; name: string; playtime_2weeks: number; playtime_forever: number; img_icon_url: string; playtime_windows_forever: number; playtime_mac_forever: number; playtime_linux_forever: number; }
depends on RecentlyPlayedGame
{ total_count: number; games: RecentlyPlayedGame[]; }