- JDK 1.8
- SQL database
- Create a sql database using a RDBMS (MySql)
- Create a table to represent some object data
- The table should have 5-7 fields that represent the object
- Populate the database with at least 5 records
a car table may have the fields for:
- id
- make
- model
- year
- color
- vin
Use to get the sql-connector-java dependency. Add this to your pom.xml
Create a Java app that uses the DAO pattern to perform CRUD operations on you sql database DAO Pattern
These classes should include:
- A DAO abstract class or interface for the following methods
- public T findById(int id);
- public List findAll();
- public T update(T dto);
- public T create(T dto);
- public void delete(int id);
- A DAO concrete class that implements all the methods of the abstract or interface from the previous step
- A DTO interface with the following method stub
- int getId();
- A concrete DTO class that implements the interface.
Create an App runner class to run each CRUD operation against your DAO
- findById()
- findAll()
- update()
- create()
- delete()