This repository, for the most part, is licensed under GPL V3.0. This includes any code inside ipython notebooks. A copy of the GPL V3.0 is available in the file license.txt
This repository is intended to store all code development for the Music Perception and Robotics Lab at WPI.
Currently, it is divided into several different directories:
Old Work:
AudioAnalysis - used for development of a real time pitch and onset detection system
MessagePassing - Test code for message passing via sockets
SharedMemoryTest - Test code for shared memory structure eventually used for leap motion controller
oscpack_1_1_0 - Library code to use for OSC (should have installation code maybe?)
build - All exectuables produced
New Work:
Algorithmic_Composition_Tools - a directory to place general scripts and tools, like pitch number to western music notation or pitch number to midi output.
Composition_Workspace_Hughes - Nathan's directory for path planning algorithms and C-Space generator / collision checker
Daughter_Control - directory for eventual software for instrument controllers
Mother_Control - directory for eventual software for motherboard controller
MAX_MSP_MIDI_CONVERTER - max/msp plugin for converting midi to custom osc messages
PAM_CONTROL - directory for old code / test code for pam
PERCUSSION_CONTROL - directory for old code / test code for percussion robot
MISC_DOC - directory for anything that doesn't belong
It also includes the following files:
Makefile - file to make programs from the various directories - this file
Please note that this repo is very much in progress. Some things that need to be done are the following (but are not limited to)
- Document current Executables
- Add Max/MXP plugins to the repo
- Look into better build system than make
Finally, this repo has programs in a few different langauges and a couple different dependencies.
Languages: C, C++, Python Dependencies: Jackd (audio analysis), boost (everything), ipython and numpy and scipy (some experimental audio analysis)