I have a need, learn english and recover a lot of time thrown in the trash "waiting for it...".
So I created a web application with one of the most popular frontend frameworks react, and nextjs to give me visibility in SEO and google index.
From this pain was born this solution "megrolang.com.br", the idea is, you click on the microphone icon and speak (in clear English), then the magic happens, your voice will be converted into text and you will be able to practice the pronunciation, working in the words or phrases you have the most difficulty.
learning doesn't have to be boring, if you learn playing.
- Deployment: https://vercel.com/
- URL: https://megrolang.com.br/
Contact by social midia, sugestions or constructive criticism will be welcome
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mrcardoso/
- instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mardozux/
Yes, the name starts with "me", why you future belongs only to you.
But pronounce the "and" forcefully, like the cat🐱 "meeeeallll"
Images in histories comes from the pixabay:
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app