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Midi Parser

Midi Parser is a tiny C++ library made to simplify reading binary Midi files.



Midi Parser is written in C++ and uses <cstdio> library for reading files so any device that supports those will be able to run Midi Parser. The parser may optionally use STL if your device supports it.


  1. Navigate to the releases page and download the archive for the latest release.
  2. Extract the files from archive into your project directory. (Note: source archive includes both source files and headers. Depending on your environment, you may need to place them in different directories.)
  3. Open Options.h file and set the options there:
    • Set the USE_BIG_ENDIAN macro to true if your system is big-endian.
    • Set the USE_STL macro to true if you can use STL.
  4. Include library into your code: #include "Midi.h"


  • Instantiate the Midi object as follows: Midi midiFile {"path_to_file.mid"};.
  • You can find a simple program using Midi Parser in the main.cpp file.
  • For the full library reference, please check the documentation.