Hyperion - Section 3 - Task 10 - Holds information on courses - Name, no. of students and name of lecturer. Demonstrates use of Collections Frameworks, sorting algorithms and comparators
Information on courses available are added to a Course object The program then prints out the results of doing all of the following:
- Printing the Course object
- Sorting the list according to the number of students
- Swapping items 1 and 2
- Populating a new empty array list usingthe addAll method
- Populating a new empty array list usingthe Copy method
- Adding new items to the 2nd course object
- Sort the 2nd array by course name
- Print the index of where "Java 101" is located in the array
- Disjoint analysis to confirm that there are no similarities between the two course arrays
- Find the course with the most students
- Find the course with the least students