Machine is a fast and lightweight Minecraft Server implementation that is completely free and open source. It was created from scratch with modern API that allows you to easily create anything you desire.
[!] Right now Machine is heavily in development and is not ready to use in a production environment.
Machine does not come with any default features, but instead offers a complete API that allows users to easily create their own custom features and modifications. This flexibility is beneficial for users who require high performance and greater control over their Minecraft servers.
Machine is a free and open source Minecraft Server software, which means that anyone can download, use, modify, and distribute its code without any cost or restriction.
Machine's codebase is clean and straightforward, making it easier for users to understand how the server works and to modify it as needed.
- Configure ITJ Gradle to use JDK 17.
- Reload all gradle projects & run newly created task
in groupbuild
of the root Machine project.
- The contributors of the project.
- The Minecraft Coalition
- The Minecraft Wiki
- Minestom and Krypton projects for inspiration when designing both api and implementation.
See file fore more information about contributing and project guidelines.
Machine is free software licensed under the GPLv3 license.