I'm a Student passionate about Tech. I believe in the power of technology to change the world and enjoy working on projects that make a positive impact.
- π± I'm currently learning web develovment, React, Blockchain.
- π¬ Ask me about [web development, javaj, python].
- π« You can reach me at sashankbhardwaj99@gmail.com .
Here are some of the projects I've worked on:
- nike website: nike website landing page useing react and tailwind css .
- TinDogs: tinder for dogs .
- Simon game: follow and rember the pattern .
- Drum kit: make you own beats and play the drum.
- Notes keeper app:react app to keep your notes.
- ToDO List with React:react app to make a todo list.
You can find more of my work on My Portfolio.
I have experience with a variety of technologies, including:
- Programming Languages: [HTML, CSS, javaScript,java, Python]
- Web Development: [Node js, express, REST]
Let's connect and chat! You can find me on:
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or just want to say hi!
Thanks for visiting my GitHub profile! π