AWWSAVOClient is a PHP library to get the current stock status of suppliers using Accel-it-services.
The methods and variables are in dutch, since the soap wsdl is also defined in this language. I have documented this however in english.
composer require maescool/awwsavoclient
the getVoorraad method returns an object with the data or throws an exception at failure.
/* Call the Composer autoloader */
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
use AWWSAVO\Client\AWWSAVOClient;
## these values are max 10 digits in length.
$leveranciercode = "yoursuppliercode";
$usercode = "yourusercode";
$wachtwoord = "yourpassword";
try {
$client = new AWWSAVOClient($leveranciercode, $usercode, $wachtwoord);
# Get the supply status from a certain article, based on article code
# the article code must be a string, no longer than 15 digits.
$data = $client->getVoorraad("8715019301322");
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();