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Is There Sufficient Money In My Bank Account? An open source mobile app to help pay bills on time.



Installation (from source)

  1. Install Node.js (You could download the installer from the Node.js website, but I would recommend you to install it with NVM instead)

  2. Execute the command npm install -g ionic (If you get permission errors, you can refer to this detailed help)

  3. Download the source code of this project (with git clone, or as a .zip file that you then unzip)

  4. Move, in your command-line, to the root folder of the project (using cd)

  5. Execute npm install

  6. (Optional) You can now execute ionic serve to run ITSMIMBA as a Web app in your browser

  7. Execute ionic build. If you wish to install the app on Android or iOS, continue with the corresponding section.

Android app

  1. Follow the official guide for Android setup (tip: make sure the Java 8 JDK is set to the default)

  2. In the project folder, execute npx cap sync android then cd android then ./gradlew assembleDebug

  3. You now have the app file in ITSMIMBA/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk

  4. Copy this file to your Android device and open it to install the app

iOS app

  1. The only official way is with a Mac computer. Follow the official guide for iOS setup.

  2. In the project folder, execute npx cap sync ios then npx cap open ios

  3. Xcode should now be opened. In Project navigator, select the project root, under the Signing section, ensure Automatically manage signing is enabled. Then, select your Development Team (created in step 8).

  4. Choose your iOS device at the top and click the Play button, the app will be installed on your device


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


Copyright 2019 Alexandre Khoury. This project and all of its files are distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. See LICENSE.txt in the project root for more details.


I'm Alexandre Khoury.